  • 學位論文


Attitude and Education Needs About Health Care Administration Ethics Among Students of Health Care Administration

指導教授 : 許怡欣


醫管應屆畢業生將成為醫管界未來棟樑,其對醫管倫理之態度極重要,但目前大學及研究所普遍缺乏醫管倫理教育課程。在重視經濟化效率化的自由競爭市場下,若醫管生僅遵循學校課程中成本會計、策略管理等課程之觀念,在未來進入醫院內擔任管理者時,變為僅著重經營財務面、經營績效面,進而忽略醫務管理倫理層面。故本研究目的為了解醫管生的醫管倫理態度與醫管倫理教育需求,進一步探討不同醫務管理學生個人背景對醫管倫理態度與醫管倫理教育需求之關係。 本研究擬針對臺灣地區高等教育司學校醫管系所應屆畢業學生,自民國九十七年四月至五月期間採用自編問卷進行調查,本研究回收573份問卷,回收率63.74%。問卷內容之醫管倫理態度分為兩部分,第一為對醫管倫理規範的態度,其中又分為規範重要性及醫管人員執業現況與規範符合程度,而第二為對醫管倫理情境題的態度,其中又分為倫理理論及行為意圖。在本研究之主要結果如下: 一、研究對象肯定醫管倫理規範的重要性,相對而言,認為醫管人員執業現況符合醫管倫理規範程度較低。 二、研究對象之學校老師強調倫理觀念的頻率越高,其認為醫管人員執業現況符合醫管倫理規範之程度越高。 三、在醫療院所有工作經驗之研究對象,認為醫管人員執業現況符合醫管倫理規範之程度越高。 四、研究對象是否曾修過倫理課程對醫管倫理態度皆無顯著差異。 五、研究對象自己或週遭同學執行與情境中相同做法的可能性受德行論影響最多。 六、研究對象臆測自己及週遭同學會去執行與情境一(醫管制度與病患間之倫理困境)主角相同做法的可能性高於情境二(醫管制度與醫事人員權益間之倫理困境)。 七、研究對象皆認同醫管倫理教育有其需求性,且肯定醫管生有接受醫管倫理教育的必要性。 八、研究對象認為最建議採用之醫管倫理教育教學法為個案或實例討論、專家演講及教授講授。


The purpose of this study is to survey the attitude and education needs toward health care administration ethics among students major in health care administration. A total of 573 (62.74%) self-administered questionnaires were completed by students including university and graduate school. The content of questionnaire in the attitude toward health care administration could be divided into two parts: firstly, the attitude toward the ethic codes of health care administration, of which were also categorized as the importance of ethic code and the degree of the present practice of health care executives in accordance with their ethic codes; secondly, the attitude toward the scenarios of the ethic codes of health care administration, of which were also classified as ethic theory and behavioral intention. The findings of this study were as follows: 1. Most respondents agreed that the ethic codes of health care administration were important; nevertheless, they considered the degree of the present practice of health care executives in accordance with their ethic codes was relatively lower. 2. Most respondents agreed that more frequency of lecturers’ emphasis on ethics, the higher degree of the present practice of health care executives in accordance with their ethic code. 3. The student’s work experience in hospital influenced students’ perceptions of degree of the present practice of health care executives in accordance with their ethic codes. 4. There was no significant difference on attitude toward ethics of health care administration whether respondents took the ethic course or not. 5. Virtue ethics influenced the possibility of taking the same action by themselves or their classmates in scenario the most. 6. Respondents considered that the possibility of taking the same action by themselves and their classmates in scenario one was higher than scenario two. 7. Respondents agreed that the demand for education of health care administration ethic, and also suggested students of health care administration should have ethic education. 8. Respondents indicated the most efficient approaches of ethics education of health care administration were case study method and lectures, including classroom lectures and special lectures.


