  • 學位論文


An elementary school case of adopting digital management practices:From the customer experience management perspective

指導教授 : 陳家祥


近年來資訊科技進步,網際網路應用盛行,資訊工具與能力普及,致使校園數位化管理日漸成熟並成為趨勢。透過數位化管理,讓家長能輕易的、即時的、無距離的、全面的掌握學生在校學習情形與相關資訊,亦能提供親師生多元便利之溝通互動管道。 本研究採用次級資料的研究和個案分析法,針對相關文獻、回饋資料進行分析探討及訪問實務人員,據以修正數位管理系統建置內容及操作介面,同時,將顧客的需求轉換為系統修正的依據,以有效發揮系統之功能,並獲得使用者認同。根據個案分析的結果,瞭解學校推動數位管理時,親師生整體適應情形和系統實施成效並提出建議以供個案學校及他校之參考。是以,本研究有如下之研究目的:一、了解個案學校導入數位管理系統後,老師、家長及學生之反應,以作為改進之依據。二、透過經驗管理理論修正系統及人員觀念,以期系統發揮正面最大效益。三、藉由個案探討提供實施建議,以作為日後他校實施之參考。 最後,本研究獲致之研究結論與建議列述如下: 一、學校導入數位管理系統在建立與保存完整資料、提升自動化與效能、弭平時空障礙全時服務等層面具有成效。 二、網路安全、資料保密、學生家庭資訊硬體與操作能力、庶務工作、教師工作調適等議題,是數位管理系統建置與導入之主要困擾。 三、後續導入學校應優先思考如下建議:操作界面設計簡單化、不同系統之整合、學生證佩掛安全問題、改善學校硬體設備、運用資訊科技區隔顧客、觀念溝通凝聚共識、善用行銷加強宣導。 四、系統軟硬體更新與整合、客製化之創新服務、顧客經驗管理之永續發展等是為後續發展之重要課題。


In recent years, the technical information is progressive, the Internet application is in vogue, the information tool and ability are popular, cause the campus digital management is more mature day after day and become the trend. By the digital management, parents can easily, immediately, non-distance's comprehensive control of student in the school study situation and the related information. It can also provide parent-teacher-student communication of interaction in multiple convenience ways. This research uses the secondary data research and the case analytic method. Aimed at the related references and feedback material proceeds on the analytic discussion and interviews personnel according to revise the digital management system establishment the content and the operation interface. Meanwhile customer's demand transforms system revised basis in order to play an effective system functions and obtains the user’s recognition. According to the cases analysis results, understand school impels digital management, parent- teacher- student overall adaptive situation and the system practice outcomes can provide recommen- dations for the school and other school for references. This research has following goals: First after understand the case school lead-in the digital management system, teacher, parent, stu- dent’s reaction is for a basis of improvement. Second, through the experience management theory to revise the system and personnel concepts is for the system to play a positive maxi- mum benefit. Third, by providing case study implemented suggestion, it may be used for other school as the reference in the future. Finally this research gets conclusions and recommendations are as follows: 1. Schools lead-in the digital management system is to establish and keep complete infor- mation, enhance automation and efficiency, level time and space barriers to full-time service has the outcomes. 2. Network security, data privacy, student family information hardware and operating ca- pacity, general affairs work, and teacher work adjustment are the main problems for digital management system’s establishment and lead-in. 3. Following lead-in the school should give priority to the following recommendations: sim- plified interface design, integration of different systems, student ID wears linked the security problem, improving school hardware equipment, using the information science and tech- nology, customer segmentation, idea communication, condensation common view, make the best use of marketing, and strengthen the guidance. 4. The system hardware and software updates and integration, customization of innovative services, customer experience management of sustainable development are an important development for follow-up issues


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