  • 學位論文


A Study on Outsourcing Strategy of Taiwan Area Freeway

指導教授 : 李 弘 暉




Entering the 21 century and facing the transition of globalization, both government and enterprise are making progress sincerely. However the enterprise is moving faster in the changeable world, the government is promoting organization change slowly. To improve the circumstance, the government has formulated Organization Reform Committee to be in charge of the duty. The Committee has referred reforming experience of developed country to introduce a small and efficient government organization. In its plan, outsourcing will be one of the major transforming strategy. In Taiwan Area Freeway Bureau administrating history, Rest Area operating business has been outsourcing for 20 years. During the period, the outsourcing item has been diversified and the operating condition has been adjusted to adapt the circumstances change. The license fee has been a part of income of Freeway Foundation. By means of outsourcing, government can release personnel matters and budget curb to heave efficiency and elasticity. Nonetheless the public have a feeling that commodities of Rest Area are expensive and the service quality need improvement. Under the circumstances of organization shrinkage, broaden the scope of outsourcing will be a major strategy of Freeway Bureau. This essay draw into the concept of balance score card and evaluate the outsourcing strategy of Freeway in finance, customer satisfactory, procedure, and organization learning. Begin with introducing Freeway’s outsourcing strategy of Japan, Germany, and Florida State of U.S.A., this essay uses inquiring sheet and interview to get message in order to formulate key factor of successful outsourcing strategy. To suggest a better program, that will improve the Freeway’s outsourcing strategy.


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