  • 學位論文


The Study of Outsourcing Strategy Decision of Industrial Computer

指導教授 : 陳銘崑


為因應整體經濟情況不佳所帶來的影響,工業電腦業者應思考將產品多角化、改變經營結構與異業合作或將非核心委外降低生產成本,將可維持企業競爭力。儘管委外為一趨勢且具有其中的好處,一般均認為成本是重要的考量因素之一,但委外因素不能只侷限於此,還需將企業面臨的內在與外在環境、所擁有的資源、及組織特性等相關構面一併列入考量。而綜觀目前國內學術研究中,均只針對競爭狀態以及供應商的選擇做一探討,並未於策略管理上進行完整的研究,因此本研究希望透過委外考量的因素下針對不同策略做一選擇,以提供業界在管理策略選擇上做一參考。 本研究藉由腦力激盪的方式及國內、外文獻針對委外策略下之考量策略、構面及因素進行盤點及歸納,並透過業界專家之建議與修正將不合宜之策略、構面及因素排除以更接近實務上所考量的,適度補強於學術上不足的部分。在委外策略選擇方案上包含完全委外策略、部分委外策略(50%委外、50%內製)、完全內製策略,以此策略選擇下之考量構面包含「資源評估」、「管理策略」、「營業績效」、「競爭力」及其因素累計共26個。文中以AHP 方法建立各評量構面及因素之權重;最後以一個案公司進行實務案例應用,以提供後續業界於使用上做一參考。


工業電腦 委外 AHP


In response to the pool overall economic situation, industrial computer suppliers should change their strategy by producing more diverse products and optimizing management structure. Moreover, to alliance with different technology partners and properly outsource manageable development to reduce production cost and stay competitive. Although outsourcing is now a trend and is considered a beneficial strategy, cost is still one of the most important factors. However, to make a decision as to outsource or not, the considerations should be more than just cost factor, the internal and external conditions of the enterprise including resource and other related factors should all be take into consideration. Generally speaking, the current academic research in Taiwan only revel the competition model and maybe some discussions regarding the alternatives of the suppliers. Strategy and management measure usually are not included in the study. This thesis is to provide a strategy choice by researching the factors that would have influence the outsourcing decision. This study is done by brainstorming, referencing research paper, identifying possible factors and strategies, listing to expert’s suggestions and strengthens the weakness of academic theory to induce the proper solution in the best reality practice. Outsourcing strategies include complete outsourcing, partial outsourcing (50% outsource, 50% in house) and complete in house production, based on these strategies to provide study for resource evaluation, competitive strength, management strategy, business operation performance and some other 20 more issues. Then, the AHP method was applied to establish the weight of each considered factor. Finally conclude this thesis by illustrating a real life example of one particular company’s outsourcing strategy and operation to provide the base for further discussion.


AHP Industrial Computer Outsourcing


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