  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 丁慶榮


隨著資訊科技的進步,企業電子化也從早期單純的資訊委外漸漸轉向一種新興產業─應用軟體服務供應商(Application Service Provider,ASP)求助,這股風氣從北美地區逐步吹向全球,許多公司因此紛紛進入此一領域。而ASP所提供的服務也愈趨多元化,從辦公室生產力軟體、ERP模組、客戶關係管理到電子商務軟體等。但是在台灣大多仍然屬於在開發或初期運行階段,因此,大多公司都還在發展的階段。面對這股企業電子化的潮流,不論是廠商、企業本身都十分重視,政府單位也積極地在推動各種產業電子化的動作。 本研究蒐集相關文獻及國內、外學者對於ASP研究,參考整理設計本問卷,以探討在ASP產業中的成功關鍵因素。問卷共由五大部分構成:企業營運構面、服務架構面、軟體架構面、平台架構面及基礎架構面,各變項之間環環相扣。本研究共發出問卷102份,回收有效問卷31份,無效問卷7份,有效問卷回收率30.39%。並以此份問卷以敘述統計分析、簡單相關分析及t檢定萃取出ASP關鍵成功因素。 本研究的主要結論如下:1. 技術支援能力、行銷通路的掌控與拓展、及完整客戶服務被認定為較重要的三項因素。2. 平台架構重要認知與成立時間、基礎架構重要認知與填答對象、及企業經營架構重要認知與填答對象有顯著相關性存在,其餘假設均未獲得支持。3. 三年以下之新創ASP公司,較相關企業轉向經營之ASP公司更重視客戶服務。4. 非工程師類職員較工程師重視資金調度及擬定契約的技巧。5.非工程師類職員明顯較重視網路安全監控、機房設施及災難事件備案及援救。


The explosive growth of the world wide web, with users accessing information via networked computers, open a new and exciting opportunity for application service providers (ASPs). The ASP handles application maintenance and upgrades, and is directly responsible to the customers for application performance, although another vendor may provide operations. ASPs provide sophisticated applications such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Supply Chain Management (SCM), and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solutions which ordinarily have high implementation costs for small to mid-size companies to entering e-business. Thus, customers can reduce uncertainty and gain rapid, cost effective access to applications that enhance their business. The objectives of this research are to investigate and define application service provider, and identify critical success factors of ASP from questionnaire survey. 30 critical success factors which were grouped into five different layers were identified from the literature and interviews with some ASP companies. A questionnaire was designed based on the critical success factors. The survey was conducted during June 2001 via world wide web. 102 questionnaires were sent out to the ASP companies in Taiwan with return rate 30.4%. From our results we found: 1) technical service support, marketing channel control and expansion, and on-line service are the most important factors; 2) infrastructure and operation structure are significantly correlated with the replier’s positions in the company; 3) platform structure is significantly correlated with the company’s age and customer service is more important for younger companies (less than 3 years) than for other older companies; 4) financial operation, contract negotiation, network safety, server facility, and data backup are more important for non-engineer staffs than for engineers.




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