  • 學位論文


The Research of Retail Banking’s Segment-oriented Organization and management by objectives: A case from a Taiwan bank

指導教授 : 陳家祥


過去20年來台灣的金融業隨著台灣的整體經濟成長,歷經多次的金融風暴,為求永續經營,不斷的改革與創新。然而,在面臨開放經濟下,不僅國內金融同業既有的家數已開立許多家、且外商銀行挾其優勢的國際金融經驗進入台灣金融業,讓台灣本地的銀行面臨前所未有的競爭壓力。傳統金融產品的獲利空間逐漸縮小,客戶的忠誠度也因銀行選擇性增多而降低,是故,銀行對於策略的選定更是攸關未來中、長期的營運。傳統的金融策略以product push為主軸,隨著為滿足客戶需求,顧客關係管理漸為策略主軸,而策略訂定之後的組織設計以及策略控制系統更對營運效能有助益。 以客戶需求角度作為銀行的組織設計,在學術上及相關文件與實證研究較缺乏,傳統的銀行業組織概從功能性分工設計,或由地域性的組織設計,本篇論文將以滿足客戶需求的策略,從客群的切割了解客戶的差異性,規劃服務客群的組織以及產品設計、通路服務的組織架構。為使各組織運作均能依循總公司的策略,利用策略地圖規劃出從上到下的平衡計分卡作為策略控制系統。 由本研究的結論得知:銀行在競爭環境下,不僅要與同業在金融產品市場上佔領先優勢、在競爭策略上展現差異性的策略,以及在客戶服務面能了解不同客群的行為,依據客戶產品需求及貢獻度提供差異化的配套服務,此差異化服務在銀行運用有限的資源下,讓成本有效的運用。為達成策略實行核心競爭優勢,更仰賴策略控制系統的定期監控以達到組織的策略方針。


The financial industry in Taiwan has been rapidly growing for the past 20 years. However, recently, the industry has been facing some financial crises in order to run perpetual business. For example, under the government’s open economy policy, the local banks have to keep opening new branches to compete with the expansion of foreign banks. Furthermore, the profit of traditional finance products has gradually reduced; the customer’s loyalty is getting down due to more selections from bank’s services. Therefore, the bank’s strategy is important for lasting the business. The strategy was product push previously and now the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) strategy has widely addressed and adopted in the industry and further to organization designed, strategy controlled system which would bring more benefit to whole business. It is lack of academic researches and literatures that the design of bank’s organization is derived from the viewpoint of customers’ segmentation. Traditionally, banks designed their organization by operational function or geographical area. The thesis aims to focus on the Satisfy Customer Need Strategy and to formulate the structure of client service and product design. In order to monitor the business segments to follow the head office’s strategy, the thesis adapts Balanced ScoreCard application as strategy controlled system. As the conclusion from this research, in order to survive in competitive environment bank has to keep on leadership in financial market, to adopt the differential strategy in the market; to realize the different customer behavior, and then to provide different service’s package based on customer disparate needs and profit contribution. The differential service strategy let bank operate more efficient under the limitation of bank’s resources. To rely on the strategy controlled system, the strategy would be completely applied to the whole bank.


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