  • 學位論文


A Preliminary Study on the Development of Life Education by Non-profit Religious Organization: A Case Study of Fu Chi Cultural and Educational Foundation

指導教授 : 劉阿榮


宗教型非營利組織推廣生命教育初探:以財團法人福智文教基金會為例 學生:楊蕙如 指導教授:劉阿榮博士 元智大學資訊社會學研究所碩士班 摘 要 本論文研製之宗教型非營利組織,主要是在瞭解福智團體如何傳達其理念,進而影響教師之信念。在研究的方法上,研究者選擇質性研究;研究的對象上,主要以教師為主。除了在團體內的教師外,亦加入未參加此團體的教師,共15位,以半結構深度訪談的方式,深入瞭解教師的內心信念,其研究結果如下: 一、宗教團體—福智在文教方面的努力,不但吸引教師前往參加所辦理的活動外,在深受其感動之餘,進而影響教師的教學信念。 二、福智雖為佛教團體,但活動內容多針對教師所設計的,像生命教育、德育教育等,一般教師對其接受度較高。 三、有些受訪者為福智教師,福智對他們而言,除了讓自我專業的提升,亦是能夠實踐佛法的地方。在這裡,大家彼此間都有相當高的凝聚力及向心力。 根據研究發現,分別對其活動辦理之內容、未來發展的方向,以及政府對其非營利組織提供之資源提出建議,並建議未來研究之方向。 關鍵字:宗教型非營利組織、福智、信念、生命教育


A Preliminary Study on the Development of Life Education by Non-profit Religious Organization: A Case Study of Fu Chi Cultural and Educational Foundation Graduate Student: Yang, Hui-Ju Advisor: Professor Liu, A-Ron Yuan Ze University Graduate School of Social Informatics Abstract The purpose of this paper is intended to explore how Fu Chi organization disseminates its concepts for influencing teacher’s belief. In research method, the researcher was to choose the qualitative research, and in research objects, teachers are the main target. Through semi-structured and in-depth interview that focused on 15 teacher members from the organization and out of the organization to attain the in-depth understanding of interviewed teachers’ beliefs, the findings are described as below: 1. The efforts of Fu Chi religious organization in cultural and educational realm has drawn teachers’ attention and direct participation in all activities organized by the organization. Teacher based participants were deeply moved by the activities they participated in, and were even influenced for their teaching beliefs. 2. Although Fu Chi is a religious organization, all its activities or programs such as life education, moral education are designed in the light of teachers’ needs that makes teacher members have much interest in them. 3. Some interviewees from Fu Chi teacher group expressed that Fu Chi was a place where provided them an opportunity of self-promotion in their individual specialty and practicing Buddha dharma concurrently. A high cohesive force and centripetal force exists in the organization. Based on the findings mentioned above, the researcher may give further suggestions to activity or program content, directions for future development, governmental resources for non-profit organization and directions for future research. Keywords: Non-profit religious organization, Fu Chi, belief, life education




