  • 學位論文


Integrated Product Design for Assembly and Disassembly and Assembly and Disassembly Sequence Planning

指導教授 : 鄭元杰


隨著時代的進步,企業家不停研發新產品,新產品的生命週期由設計到末端回收都必須納入考量,生產者在產品設計階段,針對零件選擇、零件裝配次序與零件拆卸次序,需考量零件易裝配性與易拆卸性,有效選擇零件的設計方案並達到最低成本的裝配與拆卸次序,則為本研究所要探討的議題。 過去研究中,大多將產品的拆卸順序假設為裝配次序的相反,但實際狀況裡,拆卸並不一定全為裝配次序的相反。另外,企業家在進行產品設計時,零件有多種設計方案可供選擇,選擇不同的零件會有不同裝配次序和拆卸次序,將會影響到成本高低。本研究首先利用層級程序分析法探討易裝配設計與易拆卸設計準則下產品整體的優劣,接下來使用一套有系統的成本模式,以總成本最小化為目標,透過粒子群演算法的編碼技巧,在同一個求解空間中進行選擇零件的設計方案、零件裝配次序與拆卸次序的編碼,經過轉譯後可以得到一組最佳的零件設計方案之裝配次序與拆卸次序。


With the progress of the times, the entrepreneur researches and develops the new product. The production need to consider that product’s lifecycle from design to recycle. Product designer have to consider the goal of product design that easy to choose the components, assemble and dissemble. As a result, considering a product’s design becomes an important issue that reduces the cost of assembly and disassembly. Few studies of design focus on three aspects that is the components design, assemble and disassembly. In the past, most research considers a product’s disassembly sequence to be the inverse of assembly sequence. But in real case the disassembly sequence need not to be the inverse of assembly. In this research we using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)to discussion design for assembly and design for disassembly. We use a total cost estimation method to the minimization of the total cost. Using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) as the solving tool, through the coding technique, we try to solve the component’s design, the assembly sequence and disassembly sequence at the same dimension search space. After a decoding process, we would get a best components, assembly sequence, and disassembly sequence. Finally we use three example to verify the feasibility of model.


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