  • 學位論文


Integration of the Max-Min Fuzzy Delphi and Grey Situation Decision AHP Method in equipment supplier selection evaluation: A case study for TFT-LCDs manufacture

指導教授 : 蔡啟揚


隨世代潮流轉變且人民生活品質也迅速攀升之情況下,面板產業為求滿足市場變化需求,其產品週期變化對企業而言已是勢在必行。相對地,對於企業所生產之產品品質更是企業本身、客戶群與終端消費者所重視的環節,若產品品質不佳造成市場反應,就會嚴重造成企業嚴重損失,因此企業如何證明所生產之產品品質須符合客戶要求與滿足消費者之需求水準,為企業所重視之議題與責任。 本論文研製之旨於統整案例TFT-LCDs面板製造廠T公司針對產品品質驗證設備進行設備供應商評選之研究。本研究流程分三階段為:一、透過回顧過去文獻以決定本研究所用之評估主/次準則,再利用模糊德菲Max-Min法專家訪談問卷篩選出重要主/次評估準則因子。二、運用層級分析法軟體求得各層級評估準則之權重值,並計算出整體權重值作為研究之權重比例。三、以灰色局勢決策分析整合第二階段之次準則整體權重值,進行目標綜合效果測度計算值後,再依其結果進行評選最佳滿意供應商方案,並將本研究最終結果提供個案T公司作為設備供應商評選與未來採購策略之重要參考依據。


Shift with generation trend and People’s quality of life was also rising rapidly, In oder to meet changes of the market demand and production life cycle was imperative for enterprises. Relatively, the quality is very important of production produced by itself to meet our customer base with the end consumer, If it caused by poor market reaction then will be effect seriously losses of enterprises. Therefore, how to prove that it's the enterprise have to respect for the responsibility. This thesis develops aimed at integration case, the TFT-LCDs panel manufacturer, product quality verification equipment selection of suppliers. The decision process of case study consists of three phases: First at all, review past literature with used to the Max-Min Fuzzy Delphi Method for selection assessment of major / sub-criteria. Second, applied the Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) obtained the combined weight values for each level assessment criteria. Third, Used to weight values of the sub-criteria take as sample values ratio with integration of Grey situation decision making (GSDM) for the obtained combined effect measure and decision optimal alternatives. Finally, the research results of this case study for the company as supplier selection important reference.


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