  • 學位論文


The Changes of Bamboo Craft Impartation and Education in Zhushan

指導教授 : 林承緯


南投竹山得天獨厚,環山片竹有如其名,是臺灣的竹工藝重鎮之一。本研究以竹工藝傳習與教育為主題,藉由文獻資料分析法、訪問法與觀察法以探討竹山日治時期、戰後及近年來三個時期的竹工藝人才栽培機構之由來與宗旨、教育作法及教育成果,其中教育作法包含了制度、學習科目、師資及竹工藝的教學模式,而教育成果亦即學生後續的發展,進而就前述內容於小結中討論其影響與意義,以建構竹山竹工藝傳習與教育之歷史。最後就上述的研究結果於結論中討論竹山竹工藝傳習與教育的變遷,並提出對於竹山近年來竹工藝傳習作法之芻議。   日治時期的竹工藝人才栽培機構,培育竹工藝人才是為了振興產業,教學重點在於製作技術的學習,雖然最後因環境因素,未能達到振興產業,但間接地為臺灣戰後的竹工藝產業發展奠定了技術人才基礎;戰後的竹工藝人才栽培機構,培育竹工藝人才是為了提升產業,教學重點在於製作技術與美術及設計三者並重的學習,為產業培養了兼具製作技術與設計能力的竹工藝人才,並注入新血輪;近年來的竹工藝人才栽培機構,培育竹工藝人才是為了傳承文化,教學重點在於技藝的學習,將竹工藝推展至社區,為傳統竹工藝保留一線生機。


竹山 竹工藝 竹藝 傳習 工藝教育


Blessed with its eponymous hillside bamboo groves, the Zhushan Township in Nantou County is one of Taiwan’s hubs of bamboo craftsmanship. Focused on bamboo craft impartation and education, this study examined the origins, objectives, education practices and performance of Zhushan’s bamboo artisan training facilities during the Japanese colonial era, post-World War II period and recent years through a literature review, interviews and observations. The term “education practices” involves the curriculum, subjects, teaching staff and instructional patterns, while performance refers to how the trainees fared later in their professions. The influence and significance of both education practices and performanceare discussed in the summary,in constructing Zhushan’s history and evolution of bamboo craft impartation and education, and then, along with the author’s opinions about the township’s training practices over the last few years,elucidation is provided in the conclusion. Taiwan’s bamboo artisan training facilities during Japanese colonization, intended to revive an old craft with teaching centered on hands-on skills, created an artisan pool that indirectly laid the foundation for the Island’s post-World War II bamboo craftsmanship, even though the revival attempt failed due to the circumstances. In the post-World War II days, the purpose of such facilities was facilitating industrial advancement, with instruction focused equally on skills, art and design. The subsequent new wave of professional bamboo artisans, who were also capable of design, gave the industry a boost. Committed to preserving a precious heritage, Zhushan’sbamboo artisan training programs in recent years deliver skill-oriented instruction and manages to keep bamboo craftsmanship alive by promoting it at the community level.


Zhushan bamboo craft impartation craft education


  1993 《延教班類科簡介》。臺北:教育部技術及職業教育司。
  2001 《不惑——國立竹山高級中學創校四十週年校慶特刊》。南投:國立竹山高級中學。
