  • 學位論文


The Adjustment Process when the Care Givers Facing Resident's Death:The Case of Veterans Home

指導教授 : 蘇文彬


人在面對死亡事件時,其調適歷程是非常重要。研究者訪問九名榮民之家的照顧服務員,受訪者談及在服務的過程中,面對照顧對象死亡的相關感受。照服員照顧服務經歷重大戰役之榮民,不單純是年滿65歲以上的老年人,也是經歷重大戰役的特殊族群,陪伴其從中年時期至安享天年,當在榮家頤養天年的榮民過世後,照服員除了對於他們的不捨之情,也對於他們為國家的貢獻深深地感激與懷念。本研究以滾雪球抽樣(Snowball sampling)方式,在訪談過程之中,透過受訪者介紹適合人選,適度增加訪談對象,瞭解照服員在面對死亡事件後,其反應如何影響照顧行為,運用哪些方式來調節面對死亡的反應。 研究發現,調適歷程是持續的動態歷程,不能被切割開,也是一種「能量轉化」,意指照服員在面對照顧對象死亡,過程中有經歷重大事件的轉折,與「內在因素與外在環境」相互影響,再經由「催化劑」,進一步重新思考生命的意義。研究結論,照服員面對照顧對象死亡後,若具有正向思考,有助於照顧行為,而宗教信仰、死亡原因、關係深淺會影響調適。 研究建議如下:一、成立照服員支持性團體:相關機構可以成立支持性團體,提供照服員可以有抒發內心的情緒。二、建立督導制度:可以將豐富的經驗,傳承下去,讓之後的人知道遇到事情可以從那裡尋求協助。三、安排照服員上死亡教育課程:有助於在面對死亡時,有心理準備。


The adjustment process is very important when people face death. The study has interviewed 9 care givers in a veterans home . The care givers talk about their experiences in the service process of facing resident’s death.The care givers take care of residents who had participated in the wars and mostly are more than 65 years old. These care givers accompany residents from their middle age to old age. When residents die, they are sad but also thank for their contribution to the country. In this study, the research conduct snowball sampling to look for new participants in the organization or with the introduction of care givers in the interview process. This study aimed to explore the care givers’ reaction when facing resident’s death , observing how they change their caring behavior and how they adjust themselves. The study finds that the adjustment process is a dynamic process. It’s also a process of " energy transformation", which means when the care givers face resident’s death , they would undergo several major transitional events in the process . These events interconnect with "internal and external environmental factors", and then with some "catalysts", the care givers would further rethink the meaning of life. In conclusion, after the care givers face resident’s death, if they have positive thinking, they could offer a better quality of caring behavior . Moreover, religious belief, cause of death and closer relationship also affect the process of adjustment. This study suggests that: 1. Set up the care givers support group: the relevant agencies can set up support group, providing a outlet for care givers’ negative emotions. 2. Establish supervising system: experiences can be passed on so that the novice care givers can seek help from these previous experience. 3. Design the courses of death education : the care givers can be mentally prepared when facing death.


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