  • 學位論文


A study on Interpersonal Intimacy and Meaning of Life among the Senior Veterans in Institution

指導教授 : 黃惠滿


本研究目的在探討機構內老年榮民人際親密和生命意義及其相關性。採橫斷性研究,以方便取樣方式,選取A、B及C同意受訪的三家榮民機構之120位機構內老年榮民為研究對象。研究工具採結構式問卷,包括老年榮民基本屬性問卷、人際親密量表及生命意義量表。以SPSS/PC 20.0進行描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關和線性複迴歸進行資料分析。 研究結果顯示:(1)機構內老年榮民的人際親密平均得分為55.6±13.1,生命意義平均得分為17.9±4.3,皆屬中等程度。(2)機構內老年榮民人際親密層面平均得分,以情緒支持最高,自我揭露最低。(3)機構內老年榮民不同就養方式、居住機構、和是否有宗教信仰、親友關係在人際親密感受上有顯著差異。(4)機構內老年榮民之教育程度、自覺健康狀況與人際親密達顯著正相關,而住養時間則與人際親密呈顯著負相關。(5) 機構內老年榮民是否有親友關係在生命意義感受上有顯著差異。(6)機構內老年榮民之教育程度、自覺健康狀況、人際親密和人際親密四個層面(生活互助、自我揭露、溝通接納和情緒支持)與生命意義達顯著正相關;而住養時間則與生命意義呈顯著負相關。(7)老年榮民親人、朋友、住養時間、溝通接納和情緒支持為生命意義的解釋因子,可解釋生命意義37.7%。 本研究結果有助於了解機構內老年榮民人際親密和生命意義之相關性,以提供榮民機構專業人員和管理者照護老年榮民之方向,進而使老榮民可以更正向積極面對老年生活。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors that influence interperonsal intimacy and meaning of life among the senior veterans. Cross-sectional research with convenience sampling was used to select 120 senior veterans from three veteran institutions,where were located in Sourth area. Structured questionnaires included the demographic characteristics, Interpersonal Intimacy Scale and Meaning in Life Sheet. Data was computed using SPSS / PC 20.0 software package. Analysis methods were descriptive analysis, independent sample t test, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression. The results showed:(1)Insitution of senior veterans got 55.6±13.1 score on the interpersonal intimacy and 17.9±4.3 on meaning of life, they had a moderate level of interpersonal intimacy and meaning of life.(2)Insitution of senior veterans reported the highest score on the emotional support, and self-disclosure is the lowest.(3)the way senior veterans live, residential institution, religion, and relationship between relatives and friends have a significant difference in interpersonal intimacy for senior veterans. (4)There was significant a positive correlation between education, health status, and interpersonal intimacy of the senior veterans; significant negative correlation between residence times, interpersonal intimacy were found.(5)Significant difference in meaning of life to relationship between relatives and friends.(6)There was significant a positive correlation between education, health status, interpersonal intimacy, interpersonal intimacy on four domains, and meaning of life of the senior veterans; significant negative correlation between residence times, meaning of life were found.(7)Relatives, friends, perceived of residence times, communication accepted and emotional support were derminate of meaning of life, accounted for 37.7% of the variance. The results could provide information to understand the relationships between interpersonal intimacy and meaning of life for senior veterans in insitution. The findings could be also used as a reference for professionals and manager care the senior veterans in institution. Thus, it makes senior veterans face their old age postitively.




