  • 學位論文


The Study on Catering Vehicle Scheduling Problem with Delivery and Pickup meals

指導教授 : 黃泰林


航空產業為大眾日常生活密不可分的交通工具,航空公司為提升服務品質,吸引顧客搭乘,遂班機上的餐點為航空公司重要經營項目之一,而班機上的餐點是由空廚中心載運往航空站,並配送於班機內。因國際航空站國際航線日益繁忙,空廚中心與航空站之間,其班機餐點的收、送餐排程規劃就顯的相當重要。 目前空廚業而言,餐點的數量是由航空公司預先告知,其空廚業收送餐之特色為:(1)收、送餐的需求量通常為前一天得知。(2)餐車發車時間以飛機起降時刻為主。(3)同一班機具有同時收、送餐的情形。空廚餐點車輛排班若包含同時收送餐問題時,處理上是要求先送餐後,再收餐。若時間及車容量允許,為了充分利用餐車空間,將等待下一航班機的收餐量,則在收餐時加入餐車容量及等待時間限制。加入以上限制主要為增加餐車空間使用率並減少餐車趟次,並利用ILOG OPL Studio 3.6.1最佳化之求解工具求出最佳餐車排班模式。因此,本研究擬透過構建數學規劃模式與廣泛之實驗設計與案例設計來進行分析與探討,期能裨益於相關業者並對於餐車車輛排班問題之未來研究提供參考之依據。


Aviation Industry is the necessities and popularization transport. Airline would increase the service quality and attract passenger, so catering would be the important business. The study vehicle scheduling problem between airport and catering center and supposes that flights have the requirements of deliveries, pickups meals at the time. This will be under the limitation of the capacity of the vehicle and the time of serving flights should be in the defined time window to make the vehicle finish the serving in the lowest cost. The characteristic of air catering deliveries, pickups meals:1.Demand quantities were always knew before one day. 2. The time of dispatch vehicle base on flight schedule. 3. Delivery and Pickup meals in the same flight. The study establishes a series of modes of mathematical scheme and use the set of ILOG OPL Studio 3.6.1 software to test and find the solutions. This study will offer the revising mode of mathematical scheme, the analysis of the solutions and the suggestion. We expect to resolve the vehicle scheduling problems and help to apply in practical.


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