  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relationship between Employer Brand Perception and Organizational Identification: The Moderating Effect of Servant Leadership

指導教授 : 李元墩


知識爆炸的時代來臨,資訊流通的方式快速進步,人力資源面臨內部與外部形象的管理,員工變成內部的顧客,許多內部資訊容易取得。內外資訊的快速整合漸漸形成雇主品牌認知,逐漸可成為預測企業優勢程度的指標,本研究探討雇主品牌對於組織認同的影響,確立雇主品牌在組織行為上的理論基礎,進而藉此延伸雇主品牌的影響範疇。 本研究以南台灣服務業員工為研究對象,採立意及滾雪球抽樣,發出160份問卷,回收125份,剔除無效問卷7份,有效問卷118份,採SPSS與SmartPLS軟體做信度與效度分析,且迴歸分析後發現雇主品牌對組織認同有顯著影響,且僕人式領導在雇主品牌影響組織認同的過程中有顯著之干擾效果。建議企業應建立本身雇主品牌已確立在人力市場之優勢,亦可加強員工對組織之正向發展,且中階主管應加強僕人式領導風格,可正向調節雇主品牌認知對員工的績效。 建議後續研究者可以本研究為基礎,繼續研究雇主品牌認知對組織公民行為等員工績效議題,亦可以不同領導風格為干擾變數研究雇主品牌對組織行為的影響。


The arrival of the age of knowledge explosion has rapidly advanced the information circulation. In face of internal and external image management of human resources, employees become internal customers and a lot of internal information is easily acquired. The rapid integration of internal and external information gradually forms the employer brand awareness which becomes a predictor of corporate advantages. This study tends to discuss the effects of employer brand on organizational identification, ensure the theory of employer brand on organizational behaviors, and further expand the effects on employer brand. Taking the employees in service industry in southern Taiwan as the research participants, total 160 copies of questionnaires are distributed with purposive and snowball sampling, and 125 copies are collected. Deleting 7 invalid copies, 118 valid copies are retrieved. SPSS and SmartPLS are utilized for the reliability and validity analysis. Moreover, Regression Analysis reveals the significant effects of employer brand on organizational identification, and servant leadership presents remarkable interference effect on the process of employer brand influencing organizational identification. Enterprises are suggested to establish the employer brand in order to ensure the advantages in human resource markets as well as reinforce the positive development of employees towards the organization. What is more, middle management should reinforce the servant leadership style to positively moderate the effect of employer brand awareness on employee performance. Based on this study, successive researchers could continuously study the employee performance issue of employer brand awareness towards organizational citizenship behaviors. Besides, different leadership styles could be used as intervening variables for studying the effects of employer brand on organizational behavior.


王豫萱,胡昌亞(2013)。再探組織認同之本質:2002 ~ 2012 之研究回顧與前瞻,人力資源管理學報,13(4),107-137。
