  • 學位論文


The Effects of Empathic Tutoring Agent on the Learning Performance and Perception of Average and Under-achieved Students

指導教授 : 許有真


同理心 ( empathy ) 於人際互動中影響顯著,使對方感到被理解與被關心,創造信任與改變,在人機互動中,由電腦是社會行動者( Computer as Social Actors, CASA ) 的理論與過去文獻,推測代理人同理心亦能影響學習狀況,包含增加學習動機,進而改善學習表現及學習成效,尤其對於低成就學生,需要更多關懷,運用同理心更能顯著改善其學習動機與表現。 本研究採用 的實驗設計,自變項為代理人同理心 ( 有、無 ) 與受測學生類別 ( 一般生、低成就學生 ) ,共有四個組別,應變項為學習行為表現、學習成效與主觀感受。本研究採用學習情境,學習內容為高中數學二年級下學習部分教材。研究結果顯示同理心代理人對各類學生皆能提升學生複習教材之意願,使學生對代理人主觀評價在關心人的、惹人喜歡的與吸引人的三項較高,並改善學生在學習動機、學習意願、增加學習成效、感受之學習難易度、自我勝任感等方面的感受,使學生整體感覺較為正面,並因不想讓代理人失望而更努力。另外,同理心代理人在學習時間、解決繁複問題之意願、記憶題成績、理解題成績四項影響上,對低成就學生的影響力更甚於對一般生的影響。本研究結果建議,在設計教學程式時,宜考量使用的學習對象是否包含低成就學生,且希望使用學生能願意投入時間與心力學習,若是,則應增加代理人同理心的設計,以求使學生能達到更有效的學習,若學習系統使用對象多元,遍及一般生及低成就學生的情況下,研究者建議程式設計上亦能增加代理人同理心的設計,以求在感受、學習行為和學習成效上皆能有正面的助益。


同理心 代理人 低成就學生 學習


Abstract Empathy has great impact in interaction of interpersonal relationship. It makes people feel that there is someone who understands and cares about them. In Human - Computer Interaction, the theory and documents of considering Computer as Social Actors suppose that the empathy of agents can affect learning condition, including the rise in learning motivation and then improve students’ learning performance. Especially for those under-achievers who need more attention, empathy can improve their learning performance remarkably. This research uses the 2×2 experimental design. There are two independent variables in the research. The first one is whether agents have empathy or not. Another variable is the category of students (average students and under-achievers). The dependent variables are learning performance, learning outcomes and subjective feelings of students. The research task is learning mathematical concepts. The contents are part of the teaching materials in math subject of senior high school students in second grades. The results show that agents with empathy can increase the willingness of reviewing teaching materials for the average and underachieved students. And the students’ subjective feelings of caring, liking and attracting rates for agents with empathy are much higher. What’s more, those agents can improve students’ perception in motivation of learning, willingness, outcome, difficult level and self-efficacy. In order not to disappoint the agents, students would try harder which also makes the integral perception much positive. Besides, the effects of agents with empathy for the under-achievers is higher than the average students in four parts: time of learning, willingness of solving complicated problems, performance in terms of memory and comprehension. The results of this research suggest that if we expect under-achievers to spend time and efforts in learning, then we should design empathic agents in the learning system in an attempt to make students learn more effectively. If students of the learning system are diversify, the use of empathy agents in system will be benefit in terms of their perception and performance.




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