  • 學位論文

在Android手機上設計以及實作自動化Wi-Fi Direct多重群組建立與跨群組通訊機制

Design and Implementation of Automatic Wi-Fi Direct Multi-Group Formation and Cross-Group Communication over Android Mobile Phones

指導教授 : 高榮駿


裝置對裝置通訊 (Device-to-Device Communication) 提供了裝置不需要基地台 (Access Point) 的幫助而達到直接溝通的能力。隨著行動裝置的數量快速增加,裝置對裝置網路能夠進一步地增加頻譜效益以及有效地提供流量卸載 (Traffic Offloading)。裝置能夠利用Wi-Fi直連 (Wi-Fi Direct) 來達成裝置對裝置通訊。為了應付裝置的流動性以及應付突如其來的自然災害,網路拓樸應該要能自動並且動態地被建立。在本篇論文中,我們提出一個方法來自動地創建多個Wi-Fi直連群組並且利用這些群組來形成一個裝置對裝置網路。除此之外,群組之間的溝通能運作在沒有經過作業系統修改的Android行動裝置。整體方法由兩個部分組成,叢集初始化以及多叢集的連線。實驗結果顯示我們提出的方法能在一個開源的Android溝通應用平台來得到驗證,並且改善了網路組成時的延遲。


Device-to-Device (D2D) communication lets devices can directly communicate with each other without going through any access point. With the rapidly increasing number of mobile devices, the D2D network can further increase spectral efficiency and offers traffic offloading capabilities. Devices can achieve the D2D communication over Wi-Fi Direct mechanism. In order to handle the mobility of devices or natural disasters, the D2D network is required to be formed dynamically and automatically. In this thesis, we propose a method to automatically establish the D2D network over Wi-Fi Direct multiple groups formation and seamlessly enable cross-group communication. This method can apply to non-rooted Android devices. The whole proposed scheme consists of two procedures—cluster initialization and connection of multi-cluster. Our method is implemented and validated by an open-source Android communication application. Experiment results show that our method reduces network formation latency in comparison with other scheme.


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