  • 學位論文


The Impact of Land Value Increment Tax Change in Taiwan

指導教授 : 吳世英


土地增值稅稅率一直以來被認為過高,導致產生土地資源的閉鎖效應。再加上2000年代以來台灣受到全球經濟不景氣影響,使得需求面不足,人民購買能力下降,以及國內不動產市場供給過剩問題,造成台灣不動產市場景氣低迷。因此政府自2002年起實施土地增值稅減半徵收政策,並於2005年將一般用地稅率調降為20%、30%、40%,自用住宅用地稅率則由10%調降為5%。希望透過土地稅改政策刺激台灣景氣成長。 2002年和2005年的長短期稅率調整政策,預期將對土地交易產生不同的長短期效果。Burman et al.(1994) 提到,在資本利得稅突然降稅情況下,會降低當下的買賣成本但未來的買賣成本是不變的,相對的,長期降稅情況下,連未來的買賣成本是一同改變。因此對持有資本人來說,短期財政政策下的反應一般是較激烈的。然而過往探討租稅與土地交易的實證研究,並未將政策效果區分成長期和短期效果。因此本篇論文嘗試由土地政策造成的稅率波動,再加上近來土地公告現值逐年調整接近市價,導致有效稅率有所變化下,針對台灣地區24個縣市,以1996至2010年之間共15年的追蹤資料(panel data),區分出長期稅率和短期稅率下效果的不同,以及政府長期政策和短期政策效果的差異性。得到短期稅率係數大於長期稅率係數的實證結果。短期稅率係數代表受到政策衝擊,土地交易人暫時性的反應,並非真正的政策效果;長期稅率係數代表政策的長期平均效果,是評估政策效果或稅收影響時較為關心的部分。


Since the Land Value Increment Tax rate has been considered too high, the high tax rate might result in the lock-in effect on the land resources. Moreover, the Taiwan economy in 2000 was also affected by the depression of world economy; therefore, the demand in Taiwan’s real estate market as well as the consumers’ purchasing power was decreasing. Consequently, the domestic real estate had excess supply, which led to the depression of domestic real estate market. Thus, the Land Value Increment Tax rate was reduced in 2002. Three years later, it was revised to graduated takes of 20%, 30% and 40% for land of general purposes to 5% for lands of self-use. The government hoped that the reform of the Land Tax Act would stimulate economic growth of Taiwan. The policy reforms of 2002 and 2005 were short-term and long-term policies separately. Burman et al. (1994) showed that a temporary tax cut reduces the tax cost of selling now but leaves the tax cost of selling in the future unchanged. In contrast, a permanent tax cut reduces the tax cost of selling at any time. Thus, realizations of capital gains will be higher under a transitory rate cut than under a permanent cut. Moreover, the effect of tax rate can be divided into permanent and temporary effects. Therefore, the purpose of this study aims to distinguish between permanent and temporary tax effects by utilizing the 2002 and 2005 tax reforms. The panel data include 24 counties or cities from 1996 to 2010.


Burman, Leonard E., Kimberly A. Clausing, and John F. O'Hare (1994), “ Tax reform

