  • 學位論文

測試設備自給對經營績效影響之研究 - 以某晶圓測試廠為例

A study of effect of homemade equipment on operation performance – A wafer testing company by example

指導教授 : 陳光辰


近年來,由於IC製程不斷演進,功能日趨複雜,IC之測試愈顯重要,但又因為其資本支出日漸加重,故有越來越多的IDM廠(整合組件廠)、晶圓代工廠放棄繼續投資此後段產能的擴充,將測試需求委外他廠進而使得專業半導體測試業蓬勃發展。根據Gartner資料顯示,2009年封測外包金額為170億美元,佔總封測需求的45%,其中IDM廠(整合組件廠)佔110億美元,約佔64%。 其中,半導體測試廠的資本支出中,機器設備著實佔了不少的成本(約佔總成本55%),過去測試業的經營模式為百分之百測試設備都需要向設備商採購,而每一台的成本動輒幾千萬新台幣,隨著半導體的毛利與獲利率不如以往的高,設備成本的控管對於測試廠來說是提高獲利甚至經營下去的關鍵之一。 基於機器設備成本控管,個案公司於多年前已開始進行自行研發測試設備的能力並已開始投入量產,試圖將設備成本掌握在手上,有別於以往測試設備的取得都需要設備廠商購買,也讓測試設備上的成本一直都無法掌控於自己公司手上。故引發本研究來探討晶圓測試廠由過去的測試設備的外購轉向自行研發並量產對於公司的經營績效影響為何。 本研究計畫取得2010 ~ 2011年針對9個測試事業群的經營績效作為研究對象,透過DEA進行實證分析,探討企業經營績效為何。 研究結果發現擁有自製測試設備的事業單位其經營績效相較高於無自製測試設備的事業單位,代表著測試設備自給確能提高經營績效。


Recently , the semiconductor process has greatly advanced and the function of chipset is also getting complexity to bring on the Wafer testing process is getting more and more important。 However , its investment of equipment is also getting more expensive cause lots of IDM company (integration components factory) and wafer foundries do not intend to keep investing on IC testing portion. They plan to outsourcing the business to wafer testing company .The business of wafer testing company has significant growth. Because of the gross profit and profitability may not be more higher anymore than before, the case company was thinking about has started to developed homemade test equipment in many years ago and has been released it for mass production, they are trying to control the cost of test equipment by themselves instead of purchasing all the test equipment with vendor . The purpose of the study is going to compare the business performance of each business unit with the proportion of homemade test equipment. The research plan to get actual business performance of 9 business group from 2010 to 2011 to compare the performance of production with homemade and non-homemade test equipment by Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) . The result of the study shows the performance of business unit with homemade test equipment is more better than the business unit without homemade test equipment .


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