  • 學位論文


Investigating the Factors of Consumption in Taiwan Nightmarket

指導教授 : 吳世英


台灣的夜市持續蓬勃發展,且更多元化,結合休閒、娛樂與美食,成為國內外觀光客第一首選與重要景點。本研究目的想要探討消費者到夜市消費的因素(factors of consumption)或動機,藉由不同的所得、年齡、職業、消費型態、消費體驗,剖析消費者對夜市的次數與消費的差異性。 本研究首先採中央研究院與作者問卷,但中央研究院問卷中與夜市消費相關變數有限,其問卷中也只單純考慮「有」或「沒有」逛夜市,無法準確並有效地解釋「為什麼要去逛夜市?」。為了更有效的去了解逛夜市的因素,因此,本研究另外做了一份以夜市為主題的問卷,以「一個月內逛夜市總次數」與「夜市每次平均消費金額」兩個不同面向分析,並且加入消費體驗、逛夜市動機等變數,透過不同變數的變化補充分析影響台灣夜市消費因素。 研究結果顯示,中央研究院問卷對於逛夜市具影響力的變數為所得、性別、年齡、教育、外食用餐天數。夜市問卷對於逛夜市具影響力的變數為教育、性別、職業、居住地、消費型態、品質。不同的問卷以及不同的面向分析會有不同結果,根據結果,以夜市問卷觀察得知,「教育」程度影響消費者在夜市購買的情形,因為教育程度越高者,地位也越高,所得相較於其他人高,對於商品的選擇會更加挑剔,花費金額即受到影響。再者提到「品質」是消費者次重視的,決定消費者在夜市花費的金額,因此,本論文希望能從研究中找出台灣夜市消費的主要因素。


As night market in Taiwan becomes increasingly diverse, acting as the mixer of entertainment, leisure and the assembly of local gourmet, it therefore stands a prominent position for domestic as well as international tourists. This study is intended to explore and analyze the rationale behind consumers’ factors/motives of consumption in the night market, by undertaking a thorough investigation on consumers with different annual incomes, ages, occupations, types of consumption and past experiences of consumption, and finally deliver a conclusion on the frequency and content of consumers’ behavior in each respective target group.  This study firstly adopts the questionnaire conducted by the Academia Sinica. And yet the abovementioned questionnaire presents only limited factors in night market consumption activities, also it neglects to precisely and effectively consider the rationale behind consumers’ behavior on going to night market or not by arbitrarily using only “YES/NO” questions. In hoping to derive a more accurate deduction, another questionnaire was designed for the purpose of this study, specifically focuses on night market industry in detail (hereafter “ the night market questionnaire.”) Aside from targeting “total frequency for going to night market per month” and “average spending per visit to night market” two dimensions, this questionnaire also includes factors such as motives for visiting and consumer experiences, supplements with additional variables that might have influence on night market consumption behavior.  According to the Acadamia Sinica questionnaire, the annual income, gender, age, education, and frequency of outside food will affect night market consumption behavior. Whilst the night market questionnaire, on the other hand, reveals that education, gender, occupation, location of residence, quality and type of consumption are influential factors. Analysis derives from different questionnaires and dimensions delivers distinct results. Based on the night market questionnaire, level of education reflects certain consumer behavior in night market. As those with higher level of education tend to stand a more superior social status, and thus have a comparably higher income; consequently they are more likely to be selective on the merchandise they purchase, thus subsequently affect the average spending per visit in night market. Following by the level of education, the quality of consumption shall bethe second most crucial factor that might influence the average spending per visit for consumers. Therefore, this study is seeking to define the prominent factors in night market consumption behavior.





