  • 學位論文


A Study of the Wang-Family Cultivated History and Their Old Houses in Shen-kan

指導教授 : 林會承


黃氏宗族在深坑地區的墾拓歷程及其古厝之研究 中原大學建築學系碩士學位論文 指導教授:林會承 老師 研究生:謝依璇 論文摘要 深坑的發展史,正說明了漢人在臺墾拓的艱辛歷程中的一頁,雖然深坑位處偏僻,但在台北縣急速的都市化發展下,帶來快速的改變和衝擊,外來人口的大量移入,新大樓如雨後春筍般矗立,舊日城鎮的獨特風貌和清淨的河川生態,即將消失殆盡。深坑是一個充滿前人移墾生活的痕跡,從歷史的角度而言,深坑的發展史也是一頁漢人來台的奮鬥史。而早先漢人在深坑地區的開發可歸功於深坑的許、高、陳、張、黃五大宗族,這五大宗族的墾拓歷程也可說是深坑發展史的縮影,其中又以黃氏宗族在深坑地區發展最為成功,不僅傲視群雄、富甲一方外,也是地方上的望族,直至今日為止在深坑地區仍頗具影響力,黃家所遺留下的古厝更是難得一見的一系列家族古厝,既考究又美觀,保留至今還算完整。對於黃氏宗族的研究,全文分為兩大部份,一為論述黃氏宗族的墾拓歷程、深坑環境介紹等等作為基礎性資料,另一則是古厝的研究,包含空間組織、構造型式、防禦系統及分析比較各棟的差異性。全文共分為五章,各章之摘要如下: 第一章 緒論 確立研究的動機與目的,藉由相關文獻資料的蒐集與回顧分析,設定研究範圍及定訂研究內容與方法,以達到本文研究的目標。 第二章 黃氏宗族在深坑地區的墾拓歷程 以平鋪直述的方式介紹深坑的環境及其歷史沿革,進而說明黃氏宗族的各個派系、遷徙的過程和在地方上的政經發展,並將黃氏宗族的祖譜列表呈現,以便對照文中所提及的各個人物之間的關係。 第三章 黃世賢派下的古厝之研究 本文在研究黃世賢派下的古厝之後,會藉由對黃氏古厝研究的結果及參考其他文獻資料,歸納出臺灣北部農村之散村型住宅的特徵,以作為深坑黃宅特色說明的基礎。因此第一節概述黃世賢派下家族的基業,第二節進入主題黃世賢派下的古厝之研究,第三節說明其古厝間相互的差異性,第四節歸納北部農村之散村型住宅的特徵。 第四章 黃重殊派下的德興居 黃重殊派下的家族,早年經營茶業,傳至第三代弟子黃德隆時已發展的相當成功,可說是深坑茶業的鉅商,這與深坑街是文山地區茶葉輸出的交通樞紐,有著密不可分的關係,因此本文第一節探討深坑老街的發展,以說明黃重殊派下的家族如何因地利之便而致富,並奠定家族事業的基礎,以作為研究德興居先前的了解及四周環境的介紹,第二節簡述黃重殊派下的宅第與基業,第三節研究德興居的特色,第四節將德興居與深坑老街上的其他街屋相比較,以了解兩者間的差異。 第五章 結論 本文第一節分析黃世賢派下家族事業的致富關鍵,第二節說明墾拓制度影響其古厝形式的因素,第三節分析黃重殊派下插足當時的興盛產業,及所興建的宅第形式,第四節提供建議學者後續可研究的方向。 關鍵詞 :深坑 / 黃氏宗族 / 墾拓 / 古厝


深坑 黃氏宗族 古厝 墾拓


A Study of the Wang-Family Cultivated History and Their Old Houses in Shen-kan by Yi-Hsuan Hsieh Thesis Adviser : Professor Huei-Chen Lin Sumitted to the Graduate School of Architecture,Chung-yung Christain University,Taiwan 2000 in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of master of Architecture 2. Thesis Summary The developing history of Shen-kan is an illustration of Han nationality cultivating hardships in Taiwan. With the rapid urbanization of Taipei County, the immigration of many people and the blooming of new buildings, the unique scene of the obscure Shen-kan and its clean river zoology are going to vanish. Shen-kan is full of cultivating vestiges of forefathers. From the viewpoint of history, its development is a struggle history of Han nationality in Taiwan. The cultivation in early period is owed to five clans including Xu, Gao, Chen, Zhang, Wang whose cultivation could be the epitome of Shen-kan developing history. Among these five clans, Wang was the most successful one. It was the richest one and a distinguished family in that area. Until now, this clan is still very influential. The ancient houses of Wang are a serial of rare clan houses, which are exquisite and elegant. Today they are kept nearly intact. The research of Wang clan is divided into two parts in the thesis: one is the basic data including the discussion of the cultivating process of Wang Clan and the introduction of Shen-kan environment; the other is the research of the ancient houses including space allocation, construction form, defending system as well as the analysis and comparison of their differences. The thesis includes five chapters and the following is the summary of each: Chapter Ⅰ Introduction Establish the research motive and purpose, set the research scope and make out the research content and methods so as to achieve the research purpose by collecting and analyzing relative literature and documents. Chapter Ⅱ Cultivation Process of Huang Clan in Shen-kan Introduce Shen-kan environment and its evolution in a simple and straight narrative way to illustrate the in-groups of Wang Clan, its migrating process and political and economic development in the local area and show the pedigree of Wang Clan to collate the relations among the people mentioned in the thesis. Chapter Ⅲ Ancient Houses Research of Wang Shixian In-group After studying the ancient houses of In-group Wang Shixian and other related documents, the author sums up the scattered-village characteristics of the northern part of Taiwan, which can be the basis of the illustration of the Wang houses characteristics in Shen-kan. Therefore, the first part summarizes the family cause of Wang Shixian In-group. The second part is the research of the ancient houses of Wang Shixian. The third part illustrates the differences among the ancient houses. The fourth part sums up the characters of the scattered-village houses in the northern villages of Taiwan. Chapter Ⅳ Dexing Residence of Wang Zhongshu In-group In early years, Wang Zhongshu In-group engaged in tea trade. Until the third generation, Wang Delong, it was already quite successful and could be called tea nabobism in Shen-kan. Its success is owed to the fact that Shen-kan Street is the traffic hinge of Wenshan Area for the tea output. Therefore, the first part discusses the development of Shen-kan Street so as to illustrate how this family became rich on the basis of its favorable position and laid the foundation of the family cause. This part is the foregoing introduction of Dexing Residence and its surrounding environment. The second part summarizes the houses and cause of Huang Zhongshu In-group. The third part studies the characteristics of Dexing Residence. The fourth part compares Dexing Residence with other ancient houses in Shen-kan Street to show the differences between them. Chapter Ⅴ Conclusion The first part analyzes the key point that Wang Shixian In-group became rich. The second part illustrates the influential factors of cultivation system on its ancient house form. The third part analyzes the fact that Wang Zhongshu In-group took part in the flourish industry and its house form. The fourth part proposes the study direction for scholars to continue. Key words: Shen-kan / Wang Clan / Cultivation / Ancient Houses


Shen-kan Wang Clan Ancient Hou Cultivation


1994 《台北縣的舊街》,台北:縣立文化中


