  • 學位論文

我國科技研發機構 研發領導模式之研究

A Research of the Leadership Model for R&D Institutions in Taiwan

指導教授 : 謝龍發


鑒於我國研發機構近一、二十年來正面臨外在環境急遽變遷與競爭的壓力,均需致力於組織再造或組織轉型,領導模式又成為其成敗關鍵主要因素所在。因此探討我國研發機構的研發主管領導模式,對於理論發展與環境適應需要,確實深具意義。從文獻探討、研究設計、個案研究,直到完成研究命題,獲致下列重要結論: 一、研發管理者人格特質與其研發領導模式無顯著相關。 二、研發部屬成熟度高時,研發管理者偏好採取授權型領導模式;但不管研發部屬成熟度高或低時,研發管理者都可能使用團隊型、參與型及主導型領導模式。 三、研發類型會影響研發管理者領導模式。基礎型研究,管理者會使用授權型領導模式;應用型研究,管理者會使用參與型領導模式;技術發展型研究,管理者會使用團隊型或主導型領導模式。 四、組織文化會影響研發管理者採用研發領導模式。組織文化有利研發時,管理者會使用授權型領導模式;組織文化不利研發時,管理者會使用主導型領導模式。 五、外在環境會影響研發管理者採用研發領導模式。外在環境有利研發組織時,管理者會使用參與型或授權型領導模式;外在環境不利研發組織時,管理者會使用主導型領導模式;但是外在環境有利與否,與研發管理者使用團隊型領導模式無顯著相關。


ABSTRACT For the past two decades, R&D institutions in Taiwan have been facing the challenge of tremendous environmental change and global competition. The organization’s restructure or transformation has become necessary to cope with this situation. We made an effort to study the R&D leaders’ leadership modes in research institutes, which is most critical to the success of the transformation. From our research on the factors that influence how leaders perform their leadership, we have the following findings: 1. The leader’s personality has no significant influence on how he/she performs leadership. 2. Working with fellows of high level in maturity, the leader prefers to perform his leadership by authorization. However, no matter whether the subordinates are low or high level in maturity, the leader will use team, participation, and autocratic modes. 3. What category of R&D they conduct will affect their leadership mode: For basic research work, leaders tend to use authorization mode, and for application research work, tend to use participation mode. For technological development work, though, leaders tend to use team or autocratic mode. 4. The organization culture will affect the leaders to use either authorization or autocratic mode. When the culture is beneficial to the R&D circumstances, leaders tend to use authorization mode and when it is not, leaders tend to use autocratic mode. 5. The external environment will affect the leaders to use authorization, participation and autocratic modes. When the external environment is beneficial to the R&D work, leaders tend to use participation or authorization mode, and when it is not, leaders tend to use autocratic mode. However, no matter what the external environment is, the leaders will probably employ the leadership of team mode. Keywords: R&D institution, leadership mode, personality, maturity, category, job characteristics, ability, culture, life cycle, environment.


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