  • 學位論文


A Study on a Constructing the Model Of Conflict Problem Solving Based on Problem Solving Approach

指導教授 : 顧志遠


摘 要 由於人際之間的互動日趨頻繁,而產生不同的標準規範與價值觀,其認知上的差異,透過頻繁的互動及有限資源的相互競爭等影響,衝突(conflict)也就成為不可避免的組織及社會現象。 衝突的發生由過去視為負面及破壞性的結果且無法接受衝突存在,而利用各種手段平撫衝突;到現在衝突理論的觀點不但接受衝突存在,且視為團體中正常運作的過程,雖然有破壞性的衝突,但也有建設性的衝突,衝突管理相關理論除了以衝突解決方法及技巧為發展,另一關心及探討的主題便是如何引導衝突以刺激組織的運作而達成團體的目標。 衝突的形成就本質上而言,可說是已經出現或潛在待解決的「問題」,而衝突本身亦為組織運作中的問題之一,若僅就探討如何解決衝突的管理方案或運用技巧,其實並未深入問題的核心,而僅將衝突予以「管理化」,其實並不能真正解決衝突。因此衝突管理的關鍵點並不在於消除衝突或引導衝突,而是找出隱藏在衝突背後的原因及根源,進而解決問題。 問題乃是實然(目前現象)與應然(預期目標)間的差異,因此本研究提出將表面紛亂的衝突現象藉由抽絲剝繭的系統化過程,找出實然與應然間差異之處,亦即將衝突現象予以「問題化」的概念,問題化的目的即在於運用問題解決的系統解題過程,以釐清問題核心,進而解決問題。 由於原衝突管理步驟其重點在於衝突的管理,因此在問題的切入及解決機制上有其欠缺之處,因此在一般系統理論的異質同形的立論基礎下,本研究發展以問題解決為導向的模式步驟,並結合原衝突管理步驟相關專業知識及技巧,經過調整並推導出以問題解決為導向的衝突問題解決模式概念,期望所建立之衝突問題解決模式,可以帶領解題者一個系統化的解題步驟,循其步驟及思維可以解決所有一般化的衝突問題。 衝突問題解決的模式步驟可說是在解題的過程中知識的建立及累積,每一次的問題解決,都可產生或創造更多未來解決衝突的知識及可依循的思考歷程,因此以知識管理角度來分析,可將此這些衝突解決程序進行的知識匯集而成「衝突問題解決知識庫」,其解決過程中的經驗、思維及方法,可以成為未來解決者的依循及參考之協助。因此,本研究提出案例式推理的模式概念,若能藉由分析系統的協助,以科技的力量,提供問題解決情境,協助解決問題的思路與方法,進而提昇解決問題的能力及知識分享的目的。 關鍵詞:衝突管理,衝突管理理論、問題、問題解決、案例式推理


Conflict becomes an inevitable organizational phenomenon because of the more interactions between human. Conflict used to be seen as a negative behavior and couldn’t be accepted, but that’s not the same now. It is a normal phenomenon in the organization and can be accepted, including destructive and constructive conflict. Besides expanding the way to solve conflict, the other one topic of conflict management is directing conflict to improve the teamwork. Essentials of conflict are based on that「Problem」had been found or wait for be solved, and also one problem of organization operate. Conflict Management is not just discuss about skills like conflict resolution techniques and conflict stimulation techniques, the key point is find the real potential reason behind the conflict then solve it.. The problem is the different between the “present situation” and ”estimate target”, the thesis try to find the different and give the concept of problem solving to conflict solving‧ Based on isomorphism of General System Theory, the thesis combines the process of “The Model of Problem Solving” with original skill and knowledge of conflict management to develop ”The Model of Conflict Problem Solving」, then try to lead the process and mindset that can solve all conflict problem. The thesis suggested accumulate know how become a database of “Conflict Problem Solving」for offer reference to who need solve problem, the thesis also offered the concept of Case-Based Reasoning for the purpose of improve the problem solving capability and knowledge share by computer technology.


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