  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationships among Big-Five Personality Traits, Gender-Role Orientation, and Transformational Leadership

指導教授 : 吳美連


中文摘要 「什麼因素造就一個成功的領導者?」一直是學者探討的重要議題。一般來說,領導理論可歸納為四個導向:特質導向、權力影響導向、行為導向以及權變導向。上述的四種領導理論都較有其限制,無法全然解釋與運用於現代的環境,轉換型領導是諸多學者所推崇最適合目前多變環境的一種領導方式。學者也認為應可由一個人的人格特質來預測此人的行為表現。基於此,本研究試圖探討個體是否會因人格特質與性別角色之不同,而在運用轉換型領導包括魅力領導、心靈上的鼓舞、智力啟發與個別化的關懷四構面上之程度有所不同。本研究採用五大人格特質(BIG FIVE)包括親和性、勤勉正直性、外向性、經驗開放性與神經質及性別角色包括男性化、女性化、中性化與未分化,兩類自變項來探討與轉換型領導之關聯性。 本研究係採問卷調查法,以人事行政局所主辦之主管研習班之各階層主管及北部某私立大學EMBA學生為研究對象,採用直接發放及郵寄問卷的方式,發出200份問卷,搜集本研究所需要資料。回收問卷103份,有效問卷為92份。 研究結果發現:1. 具親和性人格特質的個體所表現出來的行為與轉換型領導所強調的個別化關懷符合,所以親和性與轉換型領導有顯著相關。2. 在五大人格特質中勤勉正直性與轉換型領導具有最顯著的相關性; 勤勉正直性愈高的個體愈具有轉換型領導中的智力啟發特質。3. 外向性雖與轉換型領導有顯著相關,但在控制其他特質變項後其影響力而變的不顯著。4.經驗開放性與神經質兩個人格特質與轉換型領導無顯著相關。5. 性別角色中具男性化特質的個體與轉換型領導有較顯著的相關。而性別角色中屬未分化者因無法凸顯其特質,以致與轉換型領導無顯著相關。


Abstract The issue of which factor that determines a successful leader has been constantly discussed by the researchers. In general, the leadership theories can be differentiated into four types: trait theory, power theory, behavioral theory, and contingency theory. None of the individual type of leadership theories mentioned above can be used to explain or be applied to the modern environments. Transformation leadership is the most recommended leadership style by many scholars to be adapted by the current variable environments. Researchers also think that personality traits can be applied to prediction of individual behavior. Based upon what is mentioned above, this research tries to analyze that how personality traits and gender role affect the use of the transformation leadership theories by individuals. Two independent variables, Big Five including agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness, extraversion, and neuroticism and gender role including masculine, feminine, androgynous, and non-differentiation, are adopted to study the relationships with transformation leadership. The research is based upon the survey of managers from different business levels in the manager refresher classes held by Central Personnel Administration and EMBA students from one private university in northern Taiwan. Two hundred questionnaires were released either by direct distribution or by mail, and the retrieved valid questionnaires are calculated up to 92 of 103 copies. The findings of the study are the following: The individuals with stronger agreeableness trait own stronger transformation leadership trait. 2. The individuals with stronger conscientiousness trait own stronger intellectual stimulation trait of transformation leadership. 3. The individuals with stronger openness trait own stronger inspirational motivation trait of transformation leadership. 4. Both extraversion and neuroticism traits are not significantly related to transformation leadership. 5. The masculine trait is significantly related to transformation leadership. The non-differentiation trait is not significantly related to transformation leadership due to its insignificance.


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