  • 學位論文


The Influence of Five Personality Traits and Job Satisfaction on Sales Performance of Financial Management Personnel

指導教授 : 楊立人


近年來,全球重大政經事件正持續發生,負利率的時代下無法預期的黑天鵝滿天飛,理財人員自金融風暴雷曼兄弟銀行倒閉以來從光鮮亮麗的職場新貴突然變成人人喊打的過街老鼠,為了在台灣這一塊市場生存,理財人員必須在巨大的情緒起伏及心理壓力中調適自己。而留下來繼續奮鬥的人,在景氣復甦的過程中再次建立客戶對投資的信心贏得信任外,是不是他們的人格特質優於別人?還是後天的自我心理調適讓他們在瞬息萬變的市場中高度工作壓力下,勇於面對及承擔,再創銷售績效高峰。台灣在2001年通過金融六法後,許多金融機構開始合併競爭已變得更為激烈。隨著金融環境的變化,數位化的世代國人對理財的需求也逐漸浮現,每個銀行普遍都設有為客戶辦理個人理財的相關業務的專門櫃枱,為了能為公司與客戶創造雙贏,理財專員的服務品質和呈現的專業度也都成為客戶選擇的必然條件。綜合上述,本研究欲探討關於金融產業的「理財人員五大人格特質」、「工作滿意度」以及「銷售績效」彼此之間的關係,理財人員在工作滿意的狀態下銷售過程中如何有效地去改善事前可以注意的事項、能更符合顧客需求並且有效率的提供客戶所需商品或服務。並以國內各大金融產業的業務員、專任理財顧問、理財專員、副理、經理等之工作者為研究對象,採便利抽樣的方式發放問卷,問卷收集其間為2017年1月至2017年3月,共計發放問卷達200份而共回收有效問卷151份去進行分析,這項研究的結果如下: 1.探討理財人員人格特質對工作滿意度的影響。 2.探討工作滿意度對銷售績效的影響。 3.探討理財人員人格特質對銷售績效的影響。


In recent years, the world's major political and economic events are continuing, negative interest rates can not be expected under the era of black swans flying, financial management since the financial turmoil Lehman Brothers bank since the collapse of the bright and beautiful workplace upstart suddenly become shouting mice, In order to survive this market in Taiwan, financial management personnel must be in a huge emotional ups and downs and psychological pressure to adapt themselves. And those who stay to continue to struggle in the process of economic recovery again to build customers confidence in the investment to win the trust, is not their personality better than others? Or the day after the self-psychological adjustment so that they are in a rapidly changing market under the high pressure of work, the courage to face and bear, another sales performance peak. Taiwan in 2001 through the financial six law, many financial institutions began to merge competition has become more intense. With the financial environment changes, digital generation of people on the demand for financial management has gradually emerged, each bank generally have a personal management for personal business related to the special counter, in order to create a win-win for the company and customers, financial management commissioner The quality of service and the presentation of the professional degree has become a necessary condition for customer choice. Based on the above, this study will explore the financial industry, "financial management of the five personality traits," "job satisfaction" and "sales performance" between the relationship between the financial management staff in the process of satisfaction with the sales process how to effectively go Improve the matters that can be noted in advance, can be more in line with customer needs and efficient to provide customers with the necessary goods or services. And the domestic major financial industry salesman, full-time financial adviser, financial commissioner, deputy manager, manager and other workers as the object of study, the way to facilitate the sampling of the questionnaire, the questionnaire collected between 2017 January to 2017 3 Month, a total of 200 questionnaires were issued and a total of 151 valid questionnaires were collected for analysis. The results of this study are as follows : 1. To explore the impact of financial personality traits on job satisfaction. 2. Explore the impact of job satisfaction on sales performance. 3. To explore the impact of financial personality traits on sales performance


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