  • 學位論文

以綠色供應鏈觀點建立顧客滿意度衡量 -TFT產業為案例

Evaluating Customer Satisfaction from the perspective of the Green Supply Chain concept - A case study on TFT business

指導教授 : 黃惠民


近日環境保護議題被我們所關切,由於電子電機產品所產生之廢棄物對於我們的環境所帶來的衝擊,也是近年被熱烈討論並研究之對象,然而綠色供應鏈是評估新環境法令要求的標準之一。 而本研究以綠色供應鏈觀點建立顧客滿意衡量-以TFT產業為例;案例公司以導入客戶關係管理模式為作法,以案例公司作為研究對象進行討論。 產品發展各階段之顧客滿意度有正面影響,本研究並建議案例公司更具回饋價值與顧客互動策略,透過互動內容的有效性,配合積極主動的服務,真正達成顧客互動的意義以強化顧客之信任與信心。同時希望藉由本研究能給予 TFT產業在服務品質的提升上有更加明確的架構與作法,以使案例公司具有更優異的競爭力,進而使消費者享受到更加優質的服務。 最後,以顧客滿意度成績呈現與降低品質成本-外部失敗成本作為本研究衡量成效,策略運作與案例公司有一套管理工具模式導入之後,將改善客戶的滿意度。


Environmental protection has become our concern these days. The impact on environment due to electrical and electrums products is closely studied recently. As a result of new regulation, green supply chain has come into existed to evaluate the standard. The objective of this study is to develop example from customers’ satisfaction measurement from the perspective of green supply chain. We use on TFT industry and establishes a management pattern for client relationship. Each stage of the product development process has positive influence on customers’ satisfaction. From this research, it is found that interaction with the customer and initiating service can strengthen the clients trust and confidence in the company. This research provides TFT industry directions and methods to improve quality services. The study can help the under studied to companies gain more competence. Furthermore, the customers can enjoy quality services. Finally, the degree of customers’ satisfaction will impact quality and cost. The strategy effectiveness can be assured. The studied companies have implemented the strategy, and the customer satisfaction can be improved.


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