  • 學位論文


Impacts study for character and caring capabilities with the course activities in e-HO

指導教授 : 廖慶榮


近年來政府積極推導品格教育與社會關懷服務,目的在於提高國人的道德素養,透過社會關懷服務將關懷傳遞給社會大眾,營造更和諧的社會,而品格與關懷能力對於個人的素養是相當重要,企業在選合適的人才中,態度為重要指標之一,品格能力指標中衡量態度這一項,顯示品格能力對企業選才的重要性。隨者網路普及化,數位學習影響了傳統學習方式,對於以往的線上學習系統是透過教材與學習者單一互動,缺乏互動性,使學習者在學習上感到乏味無趣。在提倡全人教育的理念下,以跨學科與非專業上的學習,將通識教育與跨學科整合網站中,以互動學習為導向,使學習者能即時在網站上互動,促進學習成效。本研究以全人發展網上設計課程活動,並設計與品格關懷相關活動─「品品禮」,以簡單清楚傳達品格與關懷的重要性,在品格能力衡量誠實與負責、尊重與態度和認知與認同之構面。 實驗方式以單組前後測之實驗方法對716位參與者進行施測,經過八週活動後,進行資料篩選,排除參與度不佳與無效樣本後,共226位實驗樣本分析探討。以成對樣本t檢定檢視參與者經過活動後對各構面是否影響,並藉由統計分析區分各構面之高中低群組來瞭解品格與關懷能力是否提升。研究結果發現參與課程活動前後測結果在五個構面中品格認同並未達顯著影響,顯示品格認同未能透活動後較具有顯著的影響,其四個構面達到顯著效果,顯示透過課程活動對品格與關懷能力具有影響。


In recent years, the government actively advance character education and social care services, aimed at improving people's moral quality, areating a more harmonious society. Indeed, character and care are very important for personal accomplishment. In recruitment, attitude is one of the important indicators of character capacity that accompany is seeking alter in a candidate. In traditional online learning system, learners interact only with the materials delivered is the particular platform. The lack of interactivity among hear students devices little learning interests in them. In the present study, tue investigated a PinPin-Propriety learning activity to character and care in e-Ho as a holistic learning environment constructed in Chung Yuan Christian University for integrate and cross-disciplinary learning in general education. A series of eight-week long activity was designed to foster some major character capacities, including honesty and responsibility, respect and attitude, as well as cognition and conformity. The experiment was implemented via the difference study between the pretest and posttest among 716 participants. After eight-weeks activity and ruling out those with uncompleted participants and void samples , we were left with 226 effective samples for own analysis. Via paired sample t-test , we investigated the impacts of the activity upon all the factors involved in this survey. By the shift among the numbers of high, middle and low score groups between the pretest and posttest, we than estimated if capacities is character and care have been upgraded after this PinPin-Propriety activity. Our results showed that no significant difference has surfaced in the scale of character caution.Nonetheless, significant difference had emerged for all the rest four scales involved in the present study, indicating this PinPin-Propriety activity has derived in the present study, indicating this PinPin-Propriety activity has derived some significant impacts in upgrading the capacities of character and care. The results found to be involved in the curriculum activities before and after the test results in five dimensions character recognition of no significant impact, has a more significant impact on the character recognition can not be through activities, its four dimensions significant effect, through curriculum activitieshave an impact on the character and care.


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