  • 學位論文


Risk Analysis and Improvement on Safety and Functional Features of Product and Administration System by Fault Tree Analysis Method

指導教授 : 簡英哲


科技的蓬勃發展,帶來生活上的便利但有時也使人們暴露在高危害環境中。產品及管理系統的安全機能在設計階段,首應受到重視,才能避免不幸事件的發生。本研究運用故障樹分析 (Fault Tree Analysis) 為主軸建立風險評估方法及設計改善程序。以除濕機及緊急救護服務流程兩個研究案例作為說明。研究從現有產品的設計藍圖或管理系統的服務藍圖中建立故障樹,使用故障樹分析找出設計上缺陷及其影響程度作為設計改善的指標。透過重要度評估及敏感度分析訂立產品零件或子系統的可靠度目標,並運用可靠度設計方法改善產品設計,以避免產品具有發生安全性事件的途徑。若未能達成,則以改善設計,而降低安全事故的發生機率。


The progress of science and technology enriched our life but also sometimes let people exposed to a highly risk environment. Safety issues in product and management system should be the first priority issue in design phase for failure prevention. This research focuses on applying Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) method for risk assessment and design improvement. Designs for reliability techniques are applied to reduce risk of safety issues. Applying important index and sensitivity analysis, critical components can be identified for design improvement. Case studies are provided base on examples of safety issues in dehumidifier and emergency medical service.


Relex_Studio 2009 中文安裝&操作手冊. 皮托科技股份有限公司.
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