  • 學位論文


Standardizing the Operating Process for Roll to Roll Manufacturing Control Plan

指導教授 : 黃惠民


現今產業市場的競爭激烈下,企業為了持續保有競爭優勢,除了有效開拓新產品外,既有產品生產成本的降低就更顯得重要,而因應現代化變化的潮流中,快速且連續性的生產模式將是未來製造的趨勢,然而在快速且連續的生產過程中,除了效率的提升外,降低異常的發生及品質的提升也更為重要,如何在快速且連續的生產情況下能夠持續且穩定的生產,若能建構有效的生產作業流程標準化,於作業的各項流程給予管制,可以使得製造端提升效率,客戶端符合成本及品質的各項要求,以期達到雙贏的局面。 本研究整合精實生產方式(Lean Production System)與標準化(Standardization)之模式「BCDSA」改善循環,透過卷對卷製程(Roll to Roll),來證明本研究提出管制計畫之可行性及合理性,透過內外部稽核的驗證來不斷的持續改善,未來期望能活用於卷對卷產業。


Industrial market is under drastic competition nowadays, to ensure continuous competition advantages; enterprises need to not only focus developing new products but understanding the importance of lower manufacture costs. Follow by modernized industrial trends, rapid and persistent production is becoming the trend of manufacture in the future. However, in addition to promote efficiency, reduce errors from happening and improve quality are important. In order to produce steadily and continuously, establishing effective operations process standardization and giving control of each production flow will promote productivity manufacturers, also accord with the demands of costs and quality for clients, and create a win-win situation. This study is going to integrate Lean Production System and Standardization in order to improve production cycle-BCDSA; prove practicability and rationality of this study through roll to roll industries, audit internal and examine to continuous improve and look forward to applying in roll to roll industries.


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