  • 學位論文


Usability analysis of aids for getting out of bed

指導教授 : 呂志維




Stroke is a major factor in the elderly disabled, nearly 70% of stroke patients have hemiplegic during phase .Additionally, some patients suffer chronic hemiplegic, which limit the body movement, and even affect their quality of life. Demand for assistive devices is increasing with aging population, but there is still no aids designed specifically for patients with hemiplegic person. The object of the study is to analyze and design an auxiliary device for the hemiplegic personnel to get off bed. If hemiplegic patients can get out of bed, they can be independent and reduce the burden of caregiver care. To understand the human factors of design for the aid to help hemiplegic patients, a trial were done, through analysis of questionnaires before and after the trial to know advantages and disadvantages of the aid for improvement in future. The results of this study are: 1) Analyzing existing patents to understanding get out of bed aids study of the situation and the needs of the market; 2) Brainstorming to identify the major design of the aid; 3) Producing the aid to help hemiplegic patients to get out of bed independent; 4) analyzing questionnaires before and after using the aid to collect the human factors of design as the next version improvement. The future studies are to understand the need of hemiplegic patients and help them getting out of bed independently and safely.


Get out of Bed Aids Hemiplegic Patent Aids Brainstorming


陳莞音 (2007),台灣版魁北克輔具使用者滿意度評量於輪椅類輔具使用者之應用, 臺灣大學。


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