  • 學位論文


The Selection Analysis in Emission Factors of Carbon Footprint

指導教授 : 郭財吉


目前國際上碳足跡的計算方式大多採用活動數據乘上排放係數的方式,而對於排放係數的數據品質也有所要求。該如何引用適合的排放係數,而不是選擇數值較低的排放係數卻還是一直存在的問題,但現有的研究多在探討排放係數本身的數據品質優劣。 本研究提出一透明化且有系統的流程來制訂碳足跡的排放係數之數據品質水準,此方法能夠有效的分類,將所有可能的情形皆區分開來。建立系譜矩陣,即是資料品質矩陣,再量化數據品質,進一步用比對的方式,經過計算比較後,能夠挑選出最適合的排放係數選項。


In the current international, the carbon footprint calculate methods almost using emission factor times activity data. How to cited appropriate emission factors rather than select a numeric lower emission factor it still a problems. However, many existing studies to investigated the emission factor data quality itself merits. This study proposes a transparent and systematic process develop evaluate carbon footprint emission factors data quality standards. This method can effectively classify all the possible situations are distinguished. Establish the pedigree matrix, that also is a data quality matrix, and then quantitative the data quality, further than compare way, has been calculated comparison, able to select out the most suitable emission factor option.


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