  • 學位論文

以六標準差流程結合IDEF0分析手法提升生產效率之研究 -以個案U公司為例

Study on the company process improvement to enhance production efficiency by Six-Sigma and IDEF0 -the case of U company

指導教授 : 楊康宏


在全球化的快速競爭,企業必須面臨生產效率的提升。更需快速適當調整流程中無效工時等管理作業,以符合生產效益。個案公司為傳統PCB產業屬低自動化、高變化及人力密集的製造業,流程常因產品需求改變而更換,也造成產品迴流的流程的不同。但因具備較固定之批次生產流程,目前大力推行六標準差專案之改善活動。個案公司雖為傳統PCB產業,每一工作站的作業流程,並非只有單一流程作業,而是合併數個相關小流程而成的工作站,流程因此顯得複雜,除這六標準差專案推行之外,融入IDEF0分析手法,有便於使用者與管理者針對產品迴流流程的錯綜複雜,更能有效溝通及掌握細部流程中各項資訊流、物質流與品質流的動向,辨認出浪費及具價值的流程所在。 本研究的電測管理系統,為非單一的測試流程,所以為求能符合個案公司需求,係以六標準差加以IDEF0分析手法結合運用,有便於使用者與管理者能有效溝通分析,然後評估整體流程的改善情形與效益。


In rapid global competition, companies have to face productivity efficiency improvement. To meet the production efficiency of the business needs, it decreases quickly invalid working hours and other ineffective process management. The Case of Company is a traditional PCB industry. It is a low-automation, high variability, and labor-intensive manufacturer. The processes are often due to changes in product demand and replacement and also caused different product returning processes. With more fixed the batch production process, vigorously improve the current project of Six Sigma activities. However, the case of the company is one of the traditional PCB industry companies, but each workstation process is not just a single process operation. It combines a small number of related small workstation processes, so it is a complex process. Therefore, except for applying the implementation of Six Sigma projects, it need combine the implementation of appropriate IDEF0 analysis techniques. It is easy for users to administrate complex product reflux process with effective communication. By using information, users can master the details of the process flow, material trends stream flow and quality, identifying waste and a valuable process lies. In this study, measuring management system, it is a non-single test process. For the sake of the company’s needs case, abnormal flow system analyzed by Six-Sigma analysis techniques combined with the use of IDEF0 analysis techniques which is easy for user and manager to communicate and effectively analyze. Then evaluate the improvement and efficiency of the whole processes.


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