  • 學位論文


Partner comparison in close relationship: The choice of comparison target and the impact of comparison on self-evaluation.

指導教授 : 孫蒨如


本研究主要是探討個體在親密關係中會選擇什麼對象進行伴侶比較,以及比較的結果對個體自我評價的影響。過去在親密關係中進行社會比較的研究主要著重在探討比較結果對關係滿意度的影響,均未討論到個體會在那些層面進行伴侶比較,比較的對象為何,以及比較結果對個體自我評價的影響。因此本研究的主要目的即為探討當個體進行伴侶比較時,針對不同比較層面個體是否會選擇不同比較對象,以及比較結果對個體自我評價產生的影響。 研究一旨在探討當個體面對不同比較層面時,其對比較對象的選擇。研究以情境模擬故事的方式進行,受試者假想當想瞭解自己伴侶某方面的狀況時,所可能選擇的比較對象。本研究為2(比較層面:能力層面vs. 情感層面)×2(對方與自己相似狀況:相似vs.不相似)×2(對方伴侶與自己伴侶的相似狀況:相似vs.不相似)的混合設計,前者受試者間變項,後二者均為受試者內變項。結果顯示,個體在伴侶的能力層面進行社會比較時,會選擇與伴侶相似的對方伴侶做為比較對象,而在伴侶的情感層面則會同時考慮到自己與對方的相似性以及伴侶與對方伴侶的相似性。研究二則進一步探討個體在進行伴侶比較之後,其對伴侶的評價及本身的自我評價是否也會出現不同的變化,本研究為2(比較層面:能力層面vs. 情感層面)×2(對方與自己相似狀況:相似vs.不相似)×2(對方伴侶與自己伴侶相似狀況:相似vs.不相似)的受試者間設計。結果顯示,個體在為伴侶的能力層面進行社會比較時,當伴侶表現不如對方伴侶,而伴侶又與對方伴侶相似,則個體對伴侶的評價會下降,但並不會影響到個體的自我評價,此結果或許可用區隔或補償的現象來做解釋。另一方面,當個體在為伴侶的情感層面進行社會比較時,伴侶表現不如他人伴侶,而個體本身又與對方相似,則個體對自己的評價以及對伴侶的評價均會下降。


The purpose of this study is to examine the possible impact of the close partner’s social comparison process. The author tried to investigate who would be considered as the appropriate comparison target for one’s close partner and the possible impacts of the comparison on one’s self-evaluation and the evaluation of the close partner. Experiment 1 examined how one selected the comparison target for one’s close partner when facing different comparison dimensions. The results indicated that, when facing the dimension relates to ability, one tended to choose someone who is similar with one’s close partner as the comparison target. Meanwhile, when facing the affect dimension, one would consider both the similarity between oneself and the other and the similarity between one’s close partner and the other’s close partner. Experiment 2 was a 2(Comparison dimension: ability vs. affect) × 2(The similarity between oneself and the other: similar vs. dissimilar) × 2(The similarity between one’s close partner and others’ close partners: similar vs. dissimilar). The result showed that if other’s close partner outperformed one’s close partner on the ability dimension, one would have lower evaluation of his/her partner, but one’s own self-evaluation would become even higher. A compensation effect and a “cut off” effect were proposed to explain this phenomenon. On the other hand, if one’s close partner was not as good as other’s close partner on the affect dimension, one’s self-evaluation and the evaluation of one’s own close partner were both decreased. Further implications were also discussed.


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