  • 學位論文


The Design Discourse of Branding Concept Boutique Hotel – Culture Representation of The LALU Hotel

指導教授 : 蔣雅君


本研究以涵碧樓的設計論述到品牌建構為研究主體,藉由對於歷史象徵價值的移轉,翻轉日月潭還碧半島的(Hanbi Peninsula)空間與地景,理解消費主義如何透過飯店設計,將日月潭的風貌重新包裝販售。涵碧樓曾作為日本皇太子的招待所,也曾是先總統蔣公避暑行館,充滿政治性權力地景,蔣中正將國族國家的鄉愁投射在日月潭的山水中,巡行政治學是這趟旅程空間移動的移動路徑,並將國族國家的控制展現在全台行館建築,行館則成為這政治與生活品味結合的場域。 921大地震後,鄉林建設入主涵碧樓的開發計畫,建築規劃設計聘用澳洲籍Kerry Hill Architects,並且引進國際的渡假村AMAN的飯店經營手法,創造出新的日月潭景緻想像樣貌,涵碧樓儼然成為台灣精品飯店的指標。透過承攬權、投資、再生產及消費,建構日月潭新樣貌,資本主義的社會區隔卻硬生生的將日月潭的在地生活脫開,到訪者所體驗,拘限於從涵碧樓看出的山光水色,但對於與土地的對話與在地的文化全然變成房間內的裝飾品,消費文化則成為籠罩住涵碧樓的新生活風格;新建築的落成為日月潭創造出新的景觀地標。作為台灣邁向精品化旅館的先行者,日月潭從眾多台灣觀光勝地中脫穎而出,涵碧樓承載著所有旅客對於日月潭憧憬與期盼。它象徵財富及權力,遠遠超出它的地理環境與時空背景,其背後隱藏著全球性的集中化消費,透過飯店建築之內生產且與日月潭之中消費。2014年即將在中國大陸落成的青島涵碧樓,則是脫開台灣土地移植在新的土壤中,再建構了全球涵碧樓精品飯店的品牌意象。


This study focus on The Lalu Hotel from the design discusses to the brand construct, through transference of the history symbolic value to flip space and landscape of Hanbi Peninsula in Sun Moon Lake, and understand consumerism is how to repackaging sold the view of Sun Moon Lake through hotel design. The Lalu Hotel as a Japanese crown prince guest house in the past, was also the summer place of President Chiang Kai-shek, it’s landscape filled with political power. The President Chiang Kai-shek's nostalgia projected in Sun Moon Lake landscape, on this space moving trip, politics of cruise is moving path, it’s nation-state control and show in Taiwan of Chiang Kai-shek house. Which has become a political and lifestyle combines with the field. After the 921 earthquake, Shining Group lead the development program of the Lalu, employ Australian Architects Kerry Hill, who headed the architectural planning and design of the business practices of international AMAN resorts, and create new imagine appearance of Sun Moon Lake, the Lalu became Taiwan's boutique hotel indicators. Through contract rights, investment, reproduction and consumption, build the new views of Sun Moon Lake. However, the social separation of capitalism departs it from local life of Sun Moon Lake, tourist visional experience was constrained by it, conversations with land and local culture become decorations in the rooms, consumer culture is shrouding it and developing the new lifestyle. New building creates new landmark as the pioneer of Taiwan towards boutique hotels. The Sun Moon Lake stands out from Taiwan’s touring site. The Lalu hotel load with tourist’s vision and expectancy. It is a symbol of wealth and power, go far beyond it’s geographical environment and Spatiotemporal background, hide behind a global centralized consumption, through production of the hotel building and consumption among the Sun Moon Lake. In 2014, the Lalu will open in Qingdao of China, it transplant to new land away from Taiwan, showing the brand image of boutique hotel in global Lalu again.


Geoffrey London 、Paul Finch、Erwin Viray(2013),《Kerry Hill : crafting modernism》,London:Thames&Hudon Ltd。
Arjun Appadurai,鄭義愷譯(2009),《消失的現代性:全球化的文化向度》,台北:群學。
