  • 學位論文


An Action Research on Intergrating Chinese Martial Art into Novice Level Chinese Teaching

指導教授 : 廖宜瑤


摘要 學習者學習華語的動機有一部分是因為喜愛中華文化,其中,不少學習者對中國武術感興趣。由於中國武術具有千年歷史,為中華文化遺產之一,所以許多華語學習者想要了解此領域之特色。研究者因為既具備華語教學能力,亦有練習武術背景,而TPR教學法(Total Physical Response)可將武術與華語教學相結合,故試圖將武術融入華語教學,即讓學生透過操練武術學會相關詞語與句型,同時加以延伸,使學習者進而學會相關生活的語言。 本研究目的於針對初級華語程度的越南籍學習者,建構武術融入初級華語教學的可行模式並了解學習者對此教學模式的反應與學習情況。本研究採行動研究法,進行四個階段教學實施。研究者在研究過程中透過觀察、反思、訪談、問卷等方式發現問題並加以修正,形成符合學習者的教學模式。 本研究有以下幾點發現:一、武術融入初級華語教學模式若要起有效的作用,武術動作與描述動作語言必須緊密結合;二、描述動作的語言需要簡化,以符合初級程度學習者;三、學習者應得到充分動作配合語言的練習;四、武術語言與生活語言兩者之間必須形成具體的關聯性;五、武術動作描述的華語與相關生活的華語間若具聯想性,能互相形成連結,有助於提高學習者掌握語言的能力;六、學習者對此教學模式表示正面的回饋。最後,研究者最大的收穫是能透過行動研究而有所成長。希望本研究所提出的建議可提供未來的華語教學研究參考。


Abstract One of the learners’ motivations in learning Chinese is their interest on Chinese culture, which includes Chinese martial art. Since Chinese martial art has evolved with Chinese culture for thousands of year, some learners have grown certain enthusiasm about its features due to its long history. Since the researcher possesses Chinese pedagogy background and have been practicing Chinese martial art, and TPR (Total Physical Response) methodology allow the researcher to integrate Chinese martial arts into Chinese teaching, so that the learners could enhance their Chinese glossaries and syntax through martial art training, and moreover, enhance extension Chinese language in daily life. The research intended to construct a feasible model of intergrating Chinese martial art into Chinese teaching for novice level Vietnamese-speaking learners to understand their response and study. The researcher adopted action research method and conducted four action researches. During the study progress, the researcher discovered problems and solved them to construct a teaching model suitable for learners through observation, reflection, interview and questionaire. The findings of this research are as follow : First, the model of intergrating Chinese martial art into Chinese teaching can work effectively in case that the movements are closely aligned with the descriptive language. Second, the descriptive language should be simplified to suit novice learners. Third, learners should have enough time to practice the movements combined with descriptive language. Fourth, the language in martial art field and the one in daily life should be specifically related with each other. Fifth, the intergration between martial art language and daily life language is helpful for learners to increase their linguistic abilities. Sixth, learners expressed positive feedback for the teaching model used in this research. And, the greatest harvest is the professional development that the researcher obtained through this action research. Hope that the suggestions in this research could be a reference for Chinese teaching research in the future.


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