  • 學位論文


The Influences of Teachers’Gender and High School Students’ Perceived Teacher Expectation on Students’ Academic Performance of Mathematics

指導教授 : 袁媛


本研究目的為探討高中學生知覺教師期望與數學學習成就的相關情形、探討不同性別的高中學生知覺數學教師期望的差異情形,以及探討師生性別組合對高中學生數學學習成就表現之影響。研究採問卷調查法蒐集資料,以桃園市公立高中三年級普通班的學生為研究對象,共抽取男學生692人、女學生545人,一共1237人為研究樣本,所得的問卷資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、Pearson積差相關以及二因子獨立樣本變異數分析等方法進行統計分析,研究結果發現: 一、 高中學生知覺教師期望與其數學學習成就表現呈現顯著的低度正相關。 二、 高中男學生知覺的教師期望顯著高於女學生知覺的教師期望。 三、 不同教師性別、不同學生性別在數學學習成就表現上均沒有交互作用存在,即高中學生在數學學習成就表現上不會因為數學教師的性別不同而有不同。 四、 高中男學生在數學學習成就的表現上較女學生為佳。 五、 在PR>80的學校中,女教師所教學的高中學生數學學習成就表現顯著高於男教師;而在所有有效樣本以及PR<80的學校中,男女教師所教學高中學生的數學學習成就表現則沒有差異。


The study aimed to explore the relationship between high School students’ perception of teacher expectation and their academic performance in mathematics, to investigate the difference among the perception of mathematics teacher expectation of students of different gender, and to probe the effects of gender combination of teachers and students on high school students’ academic performance in mathematics. The participants were 1237 three graders, including 692 male students and 545 female students, from three public senior high schools in Taoyuan City. The data were collected by questionnaires and analyzed by descriptive statistics, Independent Samples T-test, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, and two-way ANOVA. The findings of the study were summarized as follows: 1. There was a significantly weak positive relationship between students’ perception of teacher expectation and their academic performance of mathematics. 2. Male students had significantly higher perception of teacher expectation than female students. 3. There was no interaction between teachers’ gender and students’ gender on students’ academic performance of mathematics. That is to say, teachers’ gender did not make a difference in senior high school students’ academic performance in mathematics. 4. Male students performed better than female students in their academic performance of mathematics. 5. In schools with PR higher than 80, students taught by female teachers had significantly better mathematics performance than those taught by male teachers. However, there was no difference in schools with PR lower than 80.


林啟超 (2007)。父母親成就教養取向、教師期望對高職學生之成就目標與學業 成就之關係研究。人文暨社會科學期刊,3(2),37-53。
