  • 學位論文


Analysis and Optimization of a two-station MTS/MTO production system with an Acceptable Response Time

指導教授 : 張國華


隨著科技的進步與微利時代的來臨,如何達成有效率與經濟化的生產已成為製造工業一個很重要的課題,一般的生產管理著重於生產量與降低成本方面,因此大多數製造業者都採用大量生產來降低成本進而提升競爭力,但是卻往往忽略了顧客的選擇性。而另一方面,為了因應顧客的消費習慣越來越多樣化,製造業者除了達到快速交貨之外更必須要能夠提供多樣化的產品才能滿足顧客的需求。因此,如何快速滿足顧客多樣化的需求並且能兼顧產品產量,對當前製造業者來說,是一個全新的挑戰。 在本研究中,我們探討一個上游為MTS結構下游為MTO結構的雙站MTS/MTO混線生產系統。此一MTS結構能生產標準產品並且以基本庫存量(Base-stock policy)進行控制,而MTO結構則能生產客製化產品並進而滿足特別需求。在基本庫存量管制下,MTS結構的生產策略為預先生產等同基本庫存數量的標準產品並且送往庫存區等待,而MTO結構只有在客製化需求發生時才開始生產客製化產品,而客製化產品將會由庫存中的標準化產品進行加工而成。對MTS結構來說,最重要的一項指標為如何增加一般需求的服務水準,亦為滿足比率,而另一方面,對於MTO結構來說,如何縮短需求回應時間(Response Time)進而提高顧客滿意度則是最值得探討的課題。 本研究將利用一般需求滿足率(Fill rate)與特殊需求回應時間(On-Time-Delivery-Rate) 作為衡量此一混線生產系統的績效指標,進而探討基本庫存量對於一般需求滿足率及特殊需求回應時間所造成的影響,我們進一步將把這些績效指標套用於成本結構上,並且在特殊的服務水準限制下,求解最佳基本庫存量。


With the trend of micro profit and the increase in the level of technology, how to produce goods efficiently and economically is an important issue for the manufacturering industry. To increasing the competitiveness, most manufacturers will produce a mass of standard products to decrease their cost, and because the consuming behavior is becoming more and more varied, in order to attract customers, the manufacturers must them as fast as possible and provide various products, such as custom-made goods. It is a challenge for manufacturers to consider how to satisfy the various demand rapidly and produce mass standard products to decrease their cost. In this study, we consider a two-station MTS/MTO hybrid production system. The upstream part of the production system is an MTS production system which produces standard products for ordinary demands and is controlled by a base-stock policy, whereas the downstream of the production system is an MTO production system which produced the specific produces for specific demands. The MTS products are standard and delivered from stock, and the MTO products can be made with some additional work over and above the standard products. Under the base-stock policy, the MTS production system produces standard products for the future, which means that some products will be stored in an inventory, and the most important issue in the MTS production system is increasing the percentage of satisfied customers. The MTO production system produces specific products only after specific demands have been received and the most important contention in an MTO production system is decreasing the response time to make it as short as possible. In this situation, we evaluate the quality of the service by using the fill rate for ordinary demands and the on-time-delivery-rate for specefic demands. In addition to satisfy the requirements of the quality of services (QoS), we can determine the optimal base-stock level under some cost structures.


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