  • 學位論文


Feasibility Analysis of RFID System Applied in the Connector Manufacturing Industry

指導教授 : 陳筱琪


本研究旨在對目前連接器製造業的生產管理體系導入RFID科技,對其生產效益的影響作一個評估的研究。而此研究有兩個階段,先藉由SRI情境分析法模擬不同情境下,連接器生產管理導入RFID科技會有何不同的影響因素,再來是以實驗證明KPI的差距,藉以論證本研究主題~評估RFID科技被導入連接器的生產體系效益。 為避免情境分析法(Scenario Analysis)操作中,任何重要、極端情形被忽略,本研究從大量的連接器的生產體系之次級資料以及與相關產業,尋找關於RFID系統導入的重要不確定性因素及其對生產效益的影響,經本研究的實作情境模擬的程序,獲得有共識的模擬結果是推定政府會補助導入經費,所以決定進行生產管理導入RFID的實驗。 繼而以個案公司之廠區進行實驗,建構實際所需RFID的系統。先行分析連接器生產作業流程與其管理需求,再模擬整個生產流程,分析所需RFID的元件與實施步驟。最後收集與評比實驗後各項生產管理數據,藉以求出生產管理的關鍵性指標(KPI),作評估的依據。本研究實驗發現,在生產管理方面,RFID可減少廠務人員負擔;品質管理上,透過電子感應保存於資料庫,對於未來品質控管上有顯著幫助;在工作排程與人員調度上方面,電子化可減輕調度人員的負擔與降低成本。導入RFID 生產管理前後KPI 項目相對比照結果如下所示: 1.對產品和原材料進行高效率的追蹤監管庫存管理,提高物料週轉率7.7%。 2.提高模具運作效率,縮短上模時間66%。 3.增強物料辨識效能,降低重工次數與損耗係數,提升14%效益。 4.改善整個生產週期的追溯監管品質與反應時間,增加稼動率 5%。 5.提高人力利用率1%。


The purpose of this study is to evaluate on the integration of RFID technology and the current connector manufacturing management system. The impact on the efficiency of production is also the focus for this assessment. In fact, this study has two phases.Firstly,the SRI analysis will simulate different situations based on different factors. After the simulation is done, an experiment will proceed to show the difference of the KPI as if the RFID technology were implemented. A standard “Scenario Analysis” will be applied under different circumstances in order to provide a simulation of different context. In order to avoid the major errors and extreme cases of neglect, this study will obtain the relevant database from a large number of connector production systems. Other related info could be acquired from experts in the industry as well. During the official discussion with the experts, we could further realize the impact from the uncertainties of the RFID system integration and it could become one of the key factors to the production efficiency. Therefore, the simulation will refine the whole process and speed up the lead-in of the RFID. The experiment will be done based on the actual plant distribution to construct the practical requirements of RFID systems.The analysis of the connector production process and the management requests will be done first in order to simulate the whole RFID component production process. Once the experiment is done, we could further collect and compare the data to derive the KPI for benchmarking purpose. Lastly, this study will analyze the various situations under all the opportunities and threats. In order to explore the topic into more depth, all the opinions and views will be summarized. If the KPI-effectiveness was proved by the experiment, the connector vendors could specifically point out the feasible strategy of RFID management development including the following: The result of the KPI performance after manufacture system adopted the RFID management: 1. The efficiency of the material turnover ratio has improved by 7.7% due to the superior inventory control of the products and raw materials. 2. Enhance the operational efficiency of mold and shorten the work time on the module by 66%. 3. Reduce the frequency of rework and losses by enhancing the ID ability of the materials. The overall improvement is close to 14% upgrade. 4. Improve the entire production cycle of the retrospective monitoring quality and response time. The result is a 5% increase in utilization rate. 5. Enhance the utilization of manpower 1% Studies found that the experiment had proven RFID could reduce the burden ofproduction line staff and improve the quality management. The database could be stored via the electronic sensor in order to control the quality and maintain the efficiency. In the aspect of scheduling and employee transferring, making things digital could definitely reduce the burden of HR personnel and decrease the overall cost for the company. The conclusion for this research is that all the data could be transparent and easy for access. The data transparency has allowed RFID to retrieve info from the database which connects to the computer system of the MIS department. Furthermore, we can utilize the reports from MIS to see if the RFID system had met the KPI or not. Therefore, it is obvious to see that RFID system is a very powerful tool for production management and data access. It will certainly bring lots of benefits to the connector industry.


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方凱平(2013)。自動辨識技術於跨國多廠區生產營運管理之應用研究 -以H連接器廠為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0006-1907201316481500
