  • 學位論文


A research on the RFID application of the transnational Apparel Industry Manufacturing Executive System (MES)

指導教授 : 黃天佑


成衣製造業近年來必須面對工資高漲、土地生產成本的不斷提高,造成廠商大量外移或停工歇業,更使得目前現行的企業經營益加艱辛,再加上台灣加入WTO之後,所必須面對的競爭對手更為空前激烈,因此現行的企業更必須將生產效率有效提高及降低生產成本才能使企業永續生存發展,而強而有力的整合資訊科技及創新將可提高產業的競爭力與發揮極大的縱合效益。但是在現行的IT各系統上其仍有不足的地方,便會產生系統之間作業整合的問題,尤其在製造執行系統在生產管理上更為明顯,不足以達成企業整體自動化,因此將製造執行系統所謂e化的「最後一哩」,能運用資訊科技無線射頻辨識系統(RFID)作有效的應用整合,必能解決現行許多不足的地方,使其這資訊科技將企業資源做最佳化運用,為公司創造更大利潤。而本研究藉由運用RFID,希望能提供未來跨國成衣製造業在製造執行系統(MES)整合e化最後一哩時之解決方案。 本篇論文共分為七個章節,第一章為緒論,說明本研究的背景與動機、研究目的、研究限制與範圍、研究方法與研究流程;第二章為文獻探討,簡介製造執行系統(MES)與無線射頻辨識系統(RFID)論述及RFID相關之EPC標準;第三章為敘述目前成衣製造業的應用狀況;第四章為針對成衣製造業現有的不足,提出RFID應用的解決方案;第五章為實作雛型系統;第六章為討論雛型系統改善舊有系統哪些地方;第七章為建議及未來的研究方向。


The apparel industry must face the labor force, the land production cost unceasing enhancement in recent years, cause a large amount of manufacturers to move or stop work and close a business, at present current hardships increasingly of enterprise management, and after Taiwan joins WTO, the rival that must face is for being unprecedentedly fierce, so current enterprise must raise to produce efficiently and reduce production cost to make enterprise continue survival and development forever effectively, and powerful merger information technology and innovation can improve competitiveness and full play great benefit of the industry. But it still has deficiency in current IT every system, will produce the question that the tasks will be integrated between the systems, it is more obvious to especially manufacturing executive system (MES ) on the production management, not enough to reach enterprises to automize wholly, so will make e-business ' the last miles ' of the so-called of MES, can use the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) of information technology to integrate application effectively, can solve a lot of current deficiency, optimization is used to make this information technology with enterprise resources, create larger profit for company. And this research by use RFID, I hope can offer transnational the apparel industry of the future in MES integrates e-business the last miles solution. This page thesis is divided into seven chapters altogether, chapter one is the introduction, illustrate that the background and motive, research purpose, research scope, research method and research procedure; Chapter two related theories discuss, brief introduction of MES、RFID and EPC standard; Chapter three in order to narrate the application state of the apparel industry at present; Chapter four for the existing deficiency of the apparel industry, provide the solution buy use RFID; Chapter five in order to do the prototype system in fact; Chapter six in order to discuss which places the prototype system improves the old system; Chapter seven in order to propose and the research direction in the future.


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