  • 學位論文


A Case Study on Competitive Advantage of Mandarin's Extracurricular Education at Taoyuan,Taiwan

指導教授 : 曲祉寧


多年來因為雙薪家庭、教育認知等社會結構性變遷所致,兒童補教業如雨後春筍般愈來愈普及,愈來愈多樣、多元化,已儼然成為社會上不可或缺的產業,但是近二十年蓬勃發展的結果,卻面臨外部環境極為嚴苛的挑戰。供需失調之下,兒童補教同業間紅海般廝殺的競爭,再加上學校欲大舉推動課後托育照顧的設立等等的威脅極大之下,想找到補教業的未來經營模式,何其困難! 因此,眼下即有兩大問題須明辨慎思之: 一、補教業者該用怎樣的思維和策略去佈局當下、迎戰未來,才能獲得最大的綜效? 二、在持續成長和永續經營的前提下,如何掌握既有資源並創造不同的生命週期,使能充分發揮資源的相互支援與共享及核心傳承與創新? 研究以台灣地區一成功的國語文補教業者為案例,探討在目前補教業高度競爭的情況下,依個案公司的核心競爭能力、創新產業競爭優勢及外在環境變化,將對其形成的機會與威脅,如何運用既有的優勢並調整其弱勢,走過發展新產業的創立並成功開啟另一生命週期。 本研究採用質性的個案研究分析,透過國內外相關文獻探討、資料的蒐集、個案訪談,經由本研究深入探討,歸納出經營模式的競爭優勢,本研究發現歸納結論如下: 一、「機會永遠是留給準備好的人」,用這不變的論點解釋為何能成為市場的領導者。在市場發生變化的時候,抓住機會並快速搶佔有利的位置。 二、市場定位得宜,抓住頂端及優質的消費群,並醞釀出得之不易的品牌效應。 三、利用水平擴張,資源相互支援的結果,不但獲得了雙贏的結果,也擴大市場佔有率進而達到規模經濟,以利加高進入門檻,阻礙了潛在競爭者的加入。 總結前述三大關鍵性要素,個案公司競爭策略之最關鍵要素為「提高門檻、核心資源的能耐、品牌效應」。 本研究希冀藉由競爭策略形成各要素間之相互關聯性,以做為企業制定競爭策略之參考。


競爭優勢 經營模式


Over the years, because of social structural changes, such as double earner families and education recognition, cram schools for children have been booming with popularity and toward diverse specializations and have become an indispensable industry in society. However, after the last twenty years of prosperous growth, the industry is now facing extremely harsh challenges from the external environment. Imbalance between supply and demand has already caused cut throat competition between cram schools. The plan from elementary schools to extensively offer after-school programs has proposed an even bigger threat. Under such circumstances, it is very difficult to find a coming business model for cram schools. Therefore, at the moment there are two major issues that must be carefully examined: First, what should be the thinking and strategy for cram schools to layout plans, prepare for the future and aim at getting the most synergy? Second, under the premise of continuing growth and sustainable development, how to utilize the existing resources and create a rolling life-cycle so as to achieve mutual resource complement and sharing, core value heritage and innovation? This research is a study of a Mandarin cram school in Taiwan to investigate its core competitive ability, innovative and competitive advantage, as well as the opportunities and threats proposed from the changing external environment, and to understand how it can best use its advantages and adjust its disadvantage to grow over the creation and development phase and move on to another life cycle. This study uses qualitative case study analysis, through exploring both domestic and international related literature, data collection, interviews, and through the in-depth study, to sum up the competitive advantage behind its business model. The conclusions summarized as follows: First, "Opportunity is only for those who are prepared." This argument explains why some companies become market leaders, as they can quickly seize the opportunity when the market changes and take a favorable position. Second, proper market positioning, grasp the top and high-quality customers, and gradually create the hard-won branding effect. Third, horizontal expansion and mutual resources sharing can not only deliver a win-win outcome, but also increase the market share and ultimately achieve economies of scale, high barriers to entry and deter the potential competitors. Summing up the above three key elements, the most critical strategy of the cram school in this case is "raising the entrance barrier, utilization of core resources and branding effect." This study aims at exploring the various interrelated elements, which form the competitive strategy and hope to offer a reference for companies seeking its own competitive strategy.


2.Michael E. Porter(1980) Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors. N.Y.: Free Press, 1980.
4.David Besanko, David Dranove, Mark Shanley, Scott Schaefer :Economics of strategy,Fourth Edition
