  • 學位論文


Urban Cultural Form of Space in Taichung National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts

指導教授 : 蔣雅君


本研究旨在探討博物館作為都市文化品牌建構之核心意義,自1980年代以降台灣的博物館摒棄早期國族主義之文化形象,其以西方現代主義的抽象理性幾何為潮流,從而開啟了台灣現代化博物館之里程碑。其中切入主題的研究對象-國立台灣美術館,為1988年省政府時期文化建設所生產唯一的省立美術館,並於2004年整建後獲得再一次重生並以嶄新的國家級美術館姿態示人,這特殊的經驗在台灣博物館發展脈絡上深具跨時代的意義。相映著國美館身處的台中都市,從1970年代開始被投射投機城市、風化城市和消費城市等都市性格,直至2001年台中市長胡自強當選,呼喊著台中要轉型「文化、經濟、國際城」的口號,開啟台中以文化發展主軸帶動振興經濟的國際城夢想,同時從國美館與台中都市之歷史脈絡中,可得知國美館與台中都市園道系統息息相關,而台中近年來利用園道景觀的改善及塑造,串聯起都市中重要的文化建設、休閒產業及大型開放綠地,打造成充滿濃厚文藝、時尚和休閒氣息的場所。 前後歷經20年的物換星移,今日透過二十一世紀國立台灣美術館建築、場域與周圍都市的連結,並相襯著園道系統的進程,並觀察台中都市指標性文化建設之發展,窺探出台中致力於打造「文化城」的實踐。身為國家級美術館的國美館正位於台中園道系統中重要的一環,其呈現出的文化氛圍也再現了台中都市文化品牌之效應,整合文化經濟、政治美學和社會階級形塑成的新都市文化風格。於是本研究將掀開過去受到現代主義風潮和政治意識形態影響下的台灣省立美術館,深入了解其如何且為何轉變,並釐清國美館在過去和當代社會與都市中所扮演的角色及其影響力,以及都市仿效文化風潮下所生產之文化空間,歸納出一條台灣在都市治理與文化生產脈絡下,現代社會博物館化之軌跡。


The research analyzed the core value of museum being as a brand of the city. After 1980s, museum abandoned nationalism image in the past and adopted Geometric Abstraction from the western modernism, setting a milestone for Taiwan’s modern museum. The subject of this research National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts (NTMFA), opened in 1988, known as Taiwan Museum of Art at that time, was the cultural construction during Taiwan Provincial Government period. In 2004, its name changed to National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, becoming Taiwan’s first national level museum of fine arts as this transit was a significant in the history of Taiwan museum development. After 2001 Election, the city mayor Hu,Chih-Chiang proposed the city's slogan "Economic, Cultural and International City," hoping to revive the economy by strengthening cultural development. From the history, we observed that NTMFA and Taichung Green Parkway had a close connection as city government improved and reconstructed the landscape of the Green Parkway by connecting important cultural constructions, leisure industry and large green space in this region which became a spot mix with arts and culture, fashion and pleasure. Through the architecture of NTMFA, the development of parkway system and cultural construction, we observed that Taichung City was devoted to realize a “culture city.” National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts (NTMFA), Taiwan’s first national level museum of fine arts, located in Taichung Green Parkway, played an important role in cultural development of Taichung City: reflecting a new city style combining cultural, economic, political, and social elements. The thesis is to explore how NTMFA had been influenced by modernism and political ideology during Taiwan Provincial Government period, and had impacted on society and city in the past and present after transforming to National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts. Additionally, to conclude how the society became museumized under city government’s management and cultural development.


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 逢甲大學建築系(2001),《修訂台中市綜合發展計畫》。台中市:台中市政府。
 劉欓河(1989),《臺灣省立美術館簡介》,臺中:臺灣省立美術館。
 余佳燕(2013),《 臺灣三大現代美術館之比較研究》, 國立成功大學歷史研究所碩士論文。
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