  • 學位論文

國際觀光連鎖旅館相對經營效率實證研究─ 競爭標竿之資料包絡法應用

An Empirical Study on the Relative Operational Efficiency of International Tourist Hotel Chains: An Application of Competitive Benchmarking for Data Envelopment Analysis

指導教授 : 鄭駿豪




The main purpose of this study is to apply Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to assess the relative efficiency and productivity of the 31 international tourist hotel chains in Taiwan from 2007 to 2009. Efficiency is measured that includes the overall efficiency, pure technical efficiency, scale efficiency and productivity index of Malmquist. The Relative efficiency of decision-making units from their input and output variables are generated by DEA programmed computing. By an empirical study, we find out those hotel units that did not make full use of resources. We also find out the relative inefficiency of the hotel units that should reduce in the number of inputs or should increase production of outputs,as the direction of improvement or re-engineering. During different years 2007 to 2009, those relatively efficient units, can be regarded as the benchmarking business with their peers. This study is concluded that: (1)From 2007 to 2009, hotel industry in Taiwan showed a slow decline in productivity; (2) During 2007 to 2009, hotels needed to improve the technical change for total factor productivity; (3) the differences in the scale of number in hotel rooms will affect the productivity growth; (4) the efficiency of international tourist hotel industry is suitable for output-oriented evaluation. (5) Local international tourist hotels exist higher percentage of efficient units than foreign hotels.


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