  • 學位論文


Explore the Experiential Benefits of visiting a“Dark Tourism” site :The case of the Xiaolin Memorial Park

指導教授 : 張德儀


黑暗觀光旅遊模式是最近十年來逐漸受到重視,其主要原因為人們對「死亡」產生強烈好奇心,引發許多學者也開始針對黑暗觀光活動展開相關研究與探討;在回顧過往文獻可發現,黑暗觀光不僅能滿足人們對於死亡的興趣外,還能提供教育、緬懷等深層意義,顯示從事黑暗觀光活動是可以滿足遊客情緒上與內心深刻感受需求的,但是因目前社會風氣限制下,對於遊客參訪黑暗觀光地之體驗相關研究仍然有限,促使本研究以遭受莫拉克風災劇變的小林村紀念公園為例,並以效益基礎理論作為研究模型,探索遊客前往黑暗觀光地參訪動機、環境態度感受與黑暗觀光體驗效益。 本研究以實證方式作為依據,藉由文獻回顧、現地觀察法與深度訪談擬定問卷,並實地發放問卷蒐集資料量化其結果。研究結果包含:(1)透過因素分析將黑暗觀光參與動機分為四項構面:「學習與社交」、「情感連結」、「親臨現場體驗」與「外在資訊」。環境態度為三項:「認知」、「情感」與「行為意圖」。黑暗觀光體驗效益為:「社交與學習效益」、「心理效益」與「負面效益」。(2)驗證遊客參觀園區後能強化原有環境態度,個體「參與後環境態度」比「參與前環境態度」感受更為強烈(3)透過線性結構方程式驗證黑暗觀光體驗效益關係架構(包含參訪動機、參與前環境態度、參與後環境態度與體驗效益之間影響關係)。藉由上述研究實證,本研究依其結果給予相關建議與未來研究方向,提供產、官、學各界參考。


Dark Tourism has been noticed progressively in recent ten years. The major cause is that people have interest in death. Therefore, this phenomenon has drawn scholars’ attention in putting more research and emphasis on dark tourism. In most reviews of past literatures, which found that activity of dark tourism not only satisfy peoples’ interesting of death, but also offers a deep-meaning for education and remembrance. This reason to show dark tourism can content with tourist s’ demand of emotion and feelings, but the social phenomenon remains limited so as the tourists’ experiences in such aspect are yet to be explored. Consequently, this research made a case of the Xiaolin Memorial Park and use empirical approach to explore motivation, environment attitude and experiential benefits of dark tourism. This research draws up the questionnaire through 3 methods of ”Literature review”, “On site observation” and “In-depth interviews”, then uses this questionnaires to interview tourists on location. This research has 3 results:1. In the visiting motivation, they are”Learning and Sociality”, “Connect with emotion” and “External information”. In the environment attitude, they are defined as “cognitivet”, ”affective” and “conative”. In the experiential benefits of dark tourism, they are described as ”Social and Learned benefit”, “Mental benefit” and “Uncomfortable benefit “.2. In the environmental attitude aspect, after participating in this activity, the environmental attitude becomes stronger.3. Based on linear structure relation model (LISREL), visiting motivation has also remarkable impact on tourists’ environmental attitude of before-and-after activites, and which also significant impact on the experiential benefits of dark tourism. And then, environmental attitude of before activites has directly impact on the environmental attitude of after. The environmental attitude of after activites, which significant impact on the experiential benefits of dark tourism brought upon the tourists. Finally, based on the result of this research, we provide relevant recommendations as a source of reference for industry, the government and academic fields in their future studies.




