  • 學位論文


Role Reversal on the Caring Responsibilities and Experiences—An Exploratory Research on Young Carers and the Adult Family Members Who are Cared for

指導教授 : 吳書昀


本研究之目的在瞭解兒童少年家庭照顧者在擔負照顧責任時的經驗與主觀感受,亦同時探索被照顧的父親之受照顧經驗與感受,並進一步瞭解在照顧歷程中兩者的互動與關係。最後,根據研究發現及結果,提出相關具體建議,並期望能引起大眾對於兒童少年家庭照顧者以及其家庭之關注。 依據研究目的,本研究運用質性研究之深度訪談法,訪問兩位擔負個人及私密照顧任務之兒童少年家庭照顧者,以及其被照顧之失能父親,再透過分析階層架構進行資料分析。透過此研究,可更瞭解兒少照顧者及其家人照顧與被照顧之歷程,以及兩造關係、互動之情形。研究結果發現: 一、 兒童少年家庭照顧者的照顧經驗: 1. 角色形成之原因有五:家中出現照顧需求、照顧需求未能被滿足、孝道與家庭責任的展現、被照顧者和家庭成員的期待、對自我角色的認知。 2. 兒少家庭照顧者之照顧內涵有:參與家務勞動、被照顧者之生理照顧、個人醫護照顧及私密性的貼身照顧、心理支持與陪伴、解決被照顧者與其他家庭成員之爭執、協助一般性照顧及其他任務。 3. 照顧工作對兒童少年的影響層面:心理、生理、休閒生活、生涯發展、人際關係、與被照顧者間之親密感、對自我角色與價值的認知。 4. 兒童少年家庭照顧者對於照顧工作影響之因應:復原能力之展現、學習分配時間、降低執行照顧的頻率以及尋求替代照顧人力。 二、 被照顧父親之受照顧歷程:因生理疾病而產生自我價值低落、封閉自我的現象;對於兒少提供照顧產生內疚虧欠或視為「互惠、公平」等理所當然的不同情緒反應;面對身體障礙仍努力履行親職、並發展獨特實踐方式。 三、 兒少家庭照顧者與被照顧父親間的互動上,常藉由電視媒材、關心彼此生活及相互問候來展現,而被照顧者情緒之轉變有可能改變親子互動頻率及家庭氛圍。親子彼此對於角色期待和認知無明顯落差。 四、 其他家庭成員之態度和介入程度有可能影響照顧者和被照顧者之關係和互動。 五、 國家照護資源的缺乏與限制以及傳統的孝道文化的影響,都是共構兒童少年成為家庭照顧者之因素。兒童少年家庭照顧者與被照顧的失能父親之間確實有生理照顧上的「反轉」,在心理照顧及親子關係上,並無出現反轉現象。 基於上述研究發現,整理出實務、政策層面的研究建議: 一、 實務層面:以「將童年還給兒少家庭照顧者」為目標,以家庭為單位之福利模式,透過跨團隊的整合合作、提供多元資源的介入服務,包括長期照護服務體系的彈性化、失能父母之功能提升及親子關係之增進、學校敏感度之提升與相關輔導機制之建構。 二、 政策建議:設立以照顧者為主要對象之政策,勿忽略隱藏在家內的兒少照顧者; 落實照顧責任公共化,由國家和社會共同支持家庭照顧者、分擔家庭照顧負荷。


The purpose of the study is to firstly understand the experiences of young carers who take care of their disabled or ill parents; secondly explore the parents’ experiences and feelings by receiving care; and finally find out the relationship between young carers and the parents they care for. The study proposes policy recommendations base on the research findings and results, which could lead to public concerns about young carers and their families. The study adopts qualitative method. Two young carers and their own fathers who are cared for are interviewed. The data are analyzed following the approach of analytic hierarchy. Key results are as follows: The caregiving experiences of young carers: 1. The reasons for young carers to take the caring role are divided into five levels: the needs of caring in family, the needs of caring can’t be satisfied, the filial piety and responsibilities of family, expectations of the care receivers and the other family members, and the child’ self-role-cognition. 2. The caring responsibilities that the young carers take include housekeeping, personal care, emotional support, settling the dispute between the adult care receivers and other family members, and life affairs assistance. 3. The caring works influence the young carers in their physical health, psychological health, social life, career development, interpersonal relationship, relationships with care receivers, and their cognition on self-role and self-esteem. 4. The young carers’ coping strategies include resilience emerging, distributing their time, reducing the frequency of their care providing, and looking for the substitutive carers. The care receivers will have low self-esteem or become self-enclosed, and they feel guilty or, on the other hand, take it for granted that it is reciprocal and fair for children to take care of them. Despite of their physical disability, they still try to practice parenting, and develop special manners. The interactions between the young carers and the care receivers are often maintained via television-watching, life concerning and greeting each other. Care receivers’ emotional changes may have impacts on the frequency of parent-child interaction and the atmosphere in the families. In this study, no role-expectation and role-cognition division between parents and children shows up. The attitude and involvement of other family members will affect the relationships and interaction between young carers and care receivers. The limitation and deficiency of the government’s care resources and the tradition of cultural filial piety make children become the young carers. Despite the fact that role reverse truly happened physically between the young carers and the care receivers, it didn’t show up psychologically or in the parent-child relationship. Based on the above findings, practical and politic recommendations are provided: 1. Practical levels: Give the child a normal childhood. Multi-resource services are provided by using “whole family approach” and the cooperation by cross-functional team. For instance the flexibility of the long-term caring system, improvement of disabled parents’ functions, enhancement of the relationship between parents and children, elevation of the sensitivity of schools and constitution of the counseling-related system. 2. Policy levels: Policies should focus more on the carers, avoiding the ignorance of them. Practice the publicization of caring responsibility which means the country and the society should support the family carers and share the load of family caring.




