  • 學位論文


A Study on The Factors for Junior High School Students to Choose Comprehensive High School -Tainan Area as an Example

指導教授 : 胡茹萍 洪欽銘


自教育部於民國85年開始試辦綜合高中以來,「綜合高中」在台灣的發展至今已10年的時間,在後期中等教育的學制中已逐漸成為高中、高職之外的另一種體制。本研究旨在探討國中學生面臨升學選擇時,其選擇綜合高中就讀所考慮的因素。 本研究從分流教育的觀點為出發點探究綜合高中形成之因素。從文獻資料中探討美國、英國兩個綜合高中制度發展成熟的國家其綜合高中發展過程中所遭遇到的困境,並對照台灣綜合高中發展的背景及後期中等教育發展所遭遇的衝擊。就選擇學校因素的部份,研究者從近年來所發表的博碩士論文中篩選出相關的論文,並從中歸納分析出選擇學校的因素及構面,以作為研究工具的參考。 本研究之架構是由學生背景之自變項及影響選擇綜合高中就讀因素及意願之依變項所組成。研究對象為95學年度台南縣市的國三應屆畢業生,共77校,699班,25,692位學生為母群體;抽樣方式採用「多階段叢集抽樣」。本研究使用之研究工具為研究者自編之「台南區國中學生選擇綜合高中因素調查問卷」。發出問卷974份,回收845份,有效問卷為748份。 研究結果主要發現有下列10項: 一、國中學生選擇綜合高中就讀的意願不高。 二、私立國中學生就讀綜合高中的意願較公立國中學生高。 三、居住在台南縣鄉鎮的學生就讀綜合高中的意願比居住在台南市的學生高。 四、影響國中學生選擇綜合高中就讀最重要的因素依序為「有自己喜愛的課程」、「有符合自己興趣的學程」、「教學模式符合自己的學習方式」。 五、不同背景的學生對於選擇綜合高中因素的看法大致相同。 六、國中學生選擇綜合高中最重要的因素取向為「個人興趣」,最不重視的因素取向為「人際關係」。 七、國中學生選擇綜合高中的意願和「人際關係」、「個人興趣」、「綜高特色」、「交通便利」4種因素取向呈現低度相關的現象。 八、國中學生獲得綜合高中資訊的主要來源為學校的師長。 九、大眾傳播媒體未被善加利用於綜合高中理念的宣導。 十、不同背景學生獲得綜合高中資訊來源的幫助程度有差異。


Since the trial implementation in 1996 by the Ministry of Education, comprehensive high schools have been developed for 10 years in Taiwan and turned out to be a new system in secondary education other than high school education and vocational education. This study aimed to investigate the factors that junior high students consider in the selection for comprehensive high schools. The study examined the formation of comprehensive high schools from the perspective of tracking system. Through the literature review, the development of comprehensive high schools in the UK and the US were dissected and compared with the background of those in Taiwan and their impacts on Taiwan’s secondary education. As to the factors involved in school selection, pertaining theses and dissertations published in recent years were reviewed and analyzed to induce factors and constructs involved in the selection for schools in an effort to provide a reference for future research. The research framework was composed of the independent variable of student’s background and the dependent variables that affect student’s inclination to choose comprehensive high schools. The research subjects were graduating students from junior high schools in Tainan City and County in the academic year of 2006, and the population included 25,692 students of 699 classes from 77 schools. Besides, “multi-stage cluster sampling” was adopted as the sampling method. The research tool was a self-designed “Questionnaire on the factors affecting junior high school students in Tainan in the selection of comprehensive high schools.” A total of 974 questionnaires were distributed. 845 pieces were returned, and 748 were valid responses. There were 10 major findings as follows: 1. Junior high students showed low willingness to attend comprehensive high schools. 2. Higher willingness to attend comprehensive high schools was found among students from private schools than those from public ones. 3. Higher willingness to attend comprehensive high schools existed among students from Tainan County than those from Tainan City. 4. The major factor that influenced students’ willingness was “some of their courses are my favorite,” followed by “some of their courses arouse my interests” and “the teaching model matches my learning style.” 5. Generally, students of different backgrounds held generally similar viewpoints on factors involved in choosing comprehensive high schools. 6. The most important factor for students to choose comprehensive high schools was “personal interest,” whereas the least important one was “interpersonal relationship.” 7. A low correlation was found between student’s willingness to attend comprehensive high schools and the four factors, including “interpersonal relationship”, “personal interest”, “features of comprehensive high schools”, and “convenience of transportation”. 8. Teachers in the school were the major source for students to obtain information about comprehensive high schools. 9. Mass media was not effectively used to propagate the concepts of comprehensive high schools. 10. Students with different background variables received significantly different levels of assistance from the information of comprehensive high schools.




