  • 學位論文


The Study of Affecting Factors the Use of Cybercounseling on Junior High School Students in Tainan County and City

指導教授 : 蔡青芬


社會工作與諮商會談都是助人工作的一環,其專業也反應著時代的變遷與人類需求的改變。網路的出現同時衝擊著這兩種專業助人工作領域,卻也因而發展出新的因應方式與服務技術。 本研究旨在探討影響台南縣市國中生使用網路諮商之相關因素。以台南縣市1344位國中生為調查對象,研究工具為改編之「網路諮商方式意願調查表」及「社會適應問題接受網路諮商意願調查表」問卷。所得資料以次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差、卡方檢定等方法進行資料處理,以考驗研究假設並回答研究問題。 研究結果發現如下:(一)女性國中生的網路使用頻率較男性國中生低,但在使用時間以及使用經驗滿意度上較高。(二) 國中生性別的不同不會影響網路諮商的接受意願。(三) 台南縣市的國中生,在遭遇社會適應問題時,匿名與否會影響接受網路諮商意願。(四) 台南縣市國中生,在面臨社會適應問題時,不同的網路使用行為,並不會影響接受網路諮商意願。(五)台南縣市國中生,對於網路諮商感到有興趣,且也有意願去使用這個系統。 總之,對於學校社會工作者以及學校輔導老師而言,光是認識網路世界及其運用技術是不夠的,如何透過網路協助沉浸網路世界中的青少年才是應該關注的焦點。而網路諮商的匿名性與安全性將是社會工作者透過網路進行服務最主要的關鍵。


Social work and counseling are both to help people to work, its speciality reflects the change of times changes and human demand too. The appearance of the network helps person's job field assaulting these two kinds of specialities at the same time , also develop out the new working way and service technology. The purpose of the study is to investigate the factors affecting the use of Cybercounseling on junior high school students in Tainan districts. There are 1344 samples chosen from junior high school students in Tainan county area.「Willing to Cybercounseling Questionnaire」and 「Acceeping Using Cybercounseling while Facing Social Problems Questionnaire」are used in this study. The data obtained is analyzed with frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation、T-test. The result of study is found as follows:(1)The ratio of using the internet by female middle school students is lower than males but the using time and satisfaction are higher.(2)Different junior school students gender will not influence the will of accepting of the Cybercounseling.(3)Junior school student of Tainan, while meeting the problems, the anonymity will be influenced and accepted the will of Cybercounseling or not.(4)Junior school student in Tainan, while facing the problems, different internet using behavior, will not influence and accept the will of Cybercounseling.(5)Junior school student in Tainan, feel interested to Cybercounseling, and the will uses this system. In a word, as to social worker of school and school instructor, it is not enough to only know the network world and use technology, it is focuses paid close attention to how to help to immerse the teenagers in the network world through the network. And the anonymity and security of the Cybercounseling system. It is the social worker that serve through the network main key .


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