  • 學位論文


A Feasibility Study of On-line Guidance and Counseling System

指導教授 : 皮世明


在中等學校之輔導工作上,長久以來由於輔導教師人數不足及導師課業繁重,再加上學生問題因社會的變遷而日趨複雜,使得學生輔導工作倍感沈重,因此,如何改進學生輔導的方法與流程,建置良好的輔導環境與高效率的輔導工具,以減輕輔導人員的負擔及增強學生輔導成效,在資訊發達的今日,資訊科技應可扮演重要的角色。 由文獻的探討當中,得知由於網路技術的發展迅速,線上輔導與諮商的模式也漸漸的受到重視,目前國內外許多的輔導機構紛紛加入網路輔導的服務項目,為輔導工作開拓另一個管道。雖然運用網路輔導與諮商的模式來取代現有的輔導模式,到目前為止仍受到許多的質疑,但由於網路的隱密及便利的特性,利用網路作為輔導與諮商的輔助管道,對於心理輔導工作有正面的幫助。而在中等學校建置線上輔導與諮商系統是否可行?則是本研究的討論重點。 本研究針對中等學校之學生及教師進行問卷調查,並以統計分析的方法,對調查之資料進行分析,期望由學生和教師的資訊能力、網路涉入的程度、上網的環境及網路安全等資訊應用狀況以及求助的對象與意願、輔導的方式等輔導應用狀況,來了解學生和教師對於線上輔導與諮商系統之需求及使用之意願,以評估學校建置線上輔導與諮商系統之可行性。 由問卷分析中我們發現,目前學生及教師在資訊基本能力、網路涉入程度及上網環境方面都有中上的程度,並且認為網路是不安全的;而在輔導的應用方面,則多數表示不經常應用學校所提供的輔導管道。但對於未來使用線上輔導與諮商系統的意願都相當高,尤其是平時較依賴輔導管道之學生,對於線上系統之需求及使用之意願也相對較高。因此,本研究結果認為,在良好的資訊能力及資訊環境的配合下,加上使用者之需求及使用意願,在中等學校建置線上輔導與諮商系統具有可行性。


At the work of student counseling in the middle school, counselors at school have long been short in number and class teachers burdened with their school teaching, plus student issues due to societal transition and change, resulting in difficulties in student counseling and guidance. Modern information technology as a highly efficient tool may therefore play an important role in improving the ways and process of student counseling and establishing good counseling environment to lighten the burdens of counselors and better the effectiveness of student counseling. From scholarly articles, we understand rapidly developed network technology and its on-line counseling and guidance mode are getting important. Currently numerous counseling institutions at home and abroad have put their network counseling into their services, a new auxiliary channel opening for counseling work. Although the application of network counseling and guidance mode may take place of the existing counseling mode, there are still many questions and doubts raised so far. Nevertheless, the features of network privacy and convenience provide positive help in metal counseling through the auxiliary channel of network counseling and guidance. This research focuses on if it is feasible to build up on-line counseling and guidance systems at middle schools. This research is conducted based on questionnaires surveying students and teachers at middle schools, then, make analyses of the surveyed information with a statistic analysis method. Therefore, some application of information, such as information knowledge of students and teachers, their network involvement, on-line environment and network security, etc, can be gathered. Furthermore, the objects to be helped, their willingness, and ways of counseling can be learned and applied to understand the willingness of students and teachers in their requirement and their use of on-line counseling and guidance. The research thus assesses the feasibility of building up an on-line counseling and guidance system at school. From the questionnaires, we have found that current students and teachers have good-than-average abilities in terms of their basic information knowledge, network involvement and on-line environment, yet in general they consider network privacy is not sufficient. At the aspect of counseling application, most express that they do not often use the counseling channels that school provides, but they are willing to use the on-line counseling and guidance system, especially for the students who rely on counseling channels showing higher desire for the use of on-line system. The research thus draws a conclusion: with both good information ability and information environment, plus users’ requirement and willingness, it is feasible for us to build up on-line counseling and guidance at middle school.


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