  • 學位論文


The Feasible Study of Strategic Alliance between Leisure Farm and Retirement Home

指導教授 : 段兆麟


已邁入高齡化社會的台灣,不論是政府還是社會皆謹慎面對愈來愈多的銀髮族,而愈來愈多的老人福利政策頒布;愈來愈多銀髮族照顧機構設立,雖然目前銀髮族照顧機構仍未受到普遍大眾所接受,但漸漸有年輕一輩的人轉換觀念,考慮在未來退休後住進銀髮族照顧機構,因此在這方面未來也將漸漸展開市場!另一方面,越來越多的休閒農場在休閒意識提升下進入休閒農業的市場,而如何擴展客群來闖出一片天,成為每個業者所追求的。因此,是否能達成策略聯盟來匯集雙方業者之優點創造出更大商機,成為本研究主要之研究目標。 本研究透過文獻探討及深度訪談方式,了解銀髮族照顧體系業者以及休閒農場業者對於兩方策略聯盟可行性之看法與意願,透過SWOT分析,由內部條件的優劣勢和外部環境的PESTLE為架構,進行分析與評估後,取得研究結論,更進一步針對研究結果提出建議。 透過分析,得之研究結論為台灣人口老化趨勢將提高此一策略聯盟推動之可行性;銀髮族照顧體系及休閒農場業者皆有意願嘗試此一策略聯盟;環境安全設施之設置與否對銀髮族參與農業休閒活動上影響甚大;農業自動化設施之發展有助於推動農園體驗於銀髮族照顧體系;老人福利概念的提升將帶動休閒產業與銀髮族市場結合;業者之配合度與策略聯盟推行之可行性有正向影響;經濟因素為策略聯盟中可行性發展之最大限制因子;傳統觀念對當下推行造成阻礙,但未來仍有其發展潛力存在。 關鍵詞:休閒農場、銀髮族照顧體系、策略聯盟、可行性分析


Taiwan has entered the aging society, whether government or community care are faced with more and more seniors, but more and more elderly welfare policy enacted; more and more seniors to take care organizations to set up, although silver Family care institutions have not yet been generally accepted by the public, but gradually with the younger generation to switch concept, considering retirement in the future to take care of seniors admitted to institutions, so in this regard and that it will gradually conducting market! On the other hand, more and more leisure farms raise awareness in the leisure agriculture into the leisure market, but how to expand the customer base to create a new day, be pursued by each industry. Therefore, it can reach a strategic alliance brings together the advantages of both the industry and create more business opportunities, become a target of this research study. In this study, literature review, and depth interviews to understand the seniors care systems were and leisure farm industry for both strategic alliance feasibility of the views and wishes, through SWOT analysis, the internal environment of the strengths and weaknesses and the external environment PESTLE framework, for analysis. Through analysis, the study concludes that Taiwan was the aging population will increase the feasibility of a strategic alliance to promote; seniors care system and the leisure farm industry Jie You will try this for a strategic alliance; environmental safety of the set or not on Seniors involved in agricultural leisure activities affect the very large; agricultural automation facilities, the development will help promote farm experience in senior citizens care system; elderly welfare concept enhancement will drive the leisure industry and the seniors market integration; industry of the cooperative attitude, and strategic alliances for Carrying feasible of a positive effect; economic factors in the feasibility of developing strategic alliances for the most limiting factor; traditional concepts of the current implementation of obstruction, but still has its potential future existence.




JunXiong, W. (2011). 休閒農場成立庇護農場可行性之研究 [master's thesis, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6346/NPUST.2011.00081
