  • 學位論文


A Study of the Feasibility on Sanctuary Farm in Leisure Farm

指導教授 : 段兆麟 博士


論文摘要內容 本研究的目的是探討在休閒農場成立庇護農場的可行性,透過文獻資料的整理、訪談休閒農場和庇護農場的經營者以及對高職特教老師進行問卷調查等方式來蒐集資料。針對休閒農場經營者對於庇護農場的認知與態度、身心障礙者的工作能力以及成立庇護農場執行面的困難等等,做資料的蒐集,並將所得到的資料,透過歸納、整理以及SWOT分析,做成結論與建議。根據研究結果發現: 1.休閒農場的經營者對於庇護農場的認識是不足的,但是他們願意配合政策雇用具備工作能力的身心障礙者。 2.庇護農場虧損的疑慮會影響休閒農場經營的意願。 3.工作能力是企業雇用身心障礙者的重要考量因素。 4.具備規模的大型休閒農場,比較適合成立庇護農場。 5.政策對於成立庇護工場的補助激勵效果有限。 6.庇護工場定位為就業單位使得經營難度增加。 7.引入大型企業有利改善庇護農場的經營績效。 8.休閒農場能提供適合身心障礙者的工作。 在目前的環境當中,想要在休閒農場成立庇護農場,雖然存在著機會,但 是可行性並不高。因為還存在著許多層面的困難需要克服,若是能在這些窒礙難行的地方加以改善,相信會增加休閒農場成立庇護農場的可行性。 關鍵字:休閒農場、身心障礙者、庇護農場


Abstract Student ID:N9850020 Total page:165 Title of thesis:A Study of the Feasibility on Sanctuary Farm in Leisure Farm Name of Institute:Department of Agribusiness Management, National Ping Tung University of Science and Technology Graduate date:June,2011 Degree Conferred:Master Name of student:Wang JunXiong Adviser:Dr. Tuan ChaoLin The contents of abstract in this thesis: The current study aims to explore the applicability of integrating a sheltered farm into a leisure farm, and collects related material through the compilation of literature, interviewing records of operators of leisure farms and sheltered farms, and questionnaire surveys targeted at special education teachers of vocational high schools. The study collects information from the following perspectives: the mindset and attitude of a leisure farm’s operator toward a sheltered farm, the work capability of the mentally or physically disabled, and the difficulty of implementation of building a sheltered farm, and consequently achieves conclusions and suggestions by induction, compilation and SWOT Analysis. The research results indicate the facts as follows: 1. Operators of leisure farms tend to have insufficient knowledge about sheltered farms, however, most of them are willing to hire physically or mentally disabled people with work capability in accordance with policy. 2. The fact that a sheltered farm might bring loss of profit affects the willingness of those operators of leisure farms about including a sheltered farm into their leisure farms. 3. Work capability is a key factor for a firm to hire the physically or mentally disabled. 4. Larger-scaled leisure farms can better accommodate a sheltered farm. 5. The subsidy or stimulus of policy making for a sheltered farm is limited. 6. Positioning a sheltered farm as an employment unit increases the difficulty of its operational management. 7. The introduction of a big firm helps improve the operational performance of a sheltered farm. 8. Leisure farms can provide vacancies suitable for the physically or mentally disabled. The likelihood of establishing a sheltered farm on a leisure farm is slight in the current circumstances due to lots of difficulties on various levels that need to be addressed. The applicability of establishing a sheltered farm will increase once these obstructions can be removed. Keywords: leisure farm, the physically or mentally disabled, sheltered farm




