  • 學位論文


The study on the relationship between the leisure horticultural behavior and leisure satisfaction of urban gardener.

指導教授 : 蕭崑杉


近年來,歐美先進國家政府意識到提倡健康的生活型態有助於降低社會健康及醫療成本的支出,因此陸續推動釵h提倡健康休閒法案,並提出「耕種健康」(cultivating health)的呼籲,指出園藝活動是最經濟、自然而有效的疾病預防工具,並針對居民缺乏耕種空間的實際問題,建議政府設置社區花園(key site),因此本研究希望透過都市園丁休閒園藝行為之研究,建立理論性的法則,以作為休閒園藝活動推廣及園藝療法普及都市民眾之理論基礎。 本研究以台北地區熱愛園藝休閒活動,並參與學習組織的都市園丁為研究對象,進行休閒園藝行為與休閒滿意度關係之探討。研究主要目的為建立以植物養育行為及休閒滿意度變項為主的休閒園藝行為模式,並探討研究變項之間的關係。為達研究目的,本研究自行設計休閒園藝行為量表,並經信、效度檢驗後,於大台北地區實施問卷調查。本研究之樣本合計465位,資料主要採SPSS11.5與AMOS 5.0軟體執行統計計算,並以變異數分析與結構方程式(Structural Equation Modeling)為主要資料分析方法。 研究假設都市園丁對植物的態度、內在動機、植栽常識影響植物養育行為,而植物養育行為是預測休閒滿意度的重要因素。研究結果顯示都市園丁確實可從植物養育行為獲得休閒滿意度的心理福祉效益,而植物養育行為主要受到都市園丁對植物的態度及參與休閒園藝活動的內在動機影響,植栽常識對植物養育行為影響效果的研究假設,則未獲得支持。研究建議包括對政府及推廣組織兩部分: 一、對政府的建議 1.園藝活動為精神性休閒活動,可滿足都市民眾對精神世界的渴望 2.農政單位可考慮以新的動機和組織推動休閒園藝 3.落實耕種健康理念,發展休閒服務管理機制 二、對推廣機構的建議 1.針對不同族群,設計園藝健身方案,提供公平休閒機會 2.強化植物養育行為為永續性休閒活動之理念


This research is based on the leisure activities in Taipei District. The purpose of this research is to study the relation of gardening activities to leisure. A horticultural behavior model has been designed to relate the relevant variables. In order to achieve the main purpose of the research, a research has been conducted with a sample size of 456 people through: 1)mailing activities 2)Face-to-face interview From the interview conduct, the result shows that gardening activities do help people to relax their mind and achieve a certain level of relaxation. Apart from this finding, the research shows that knowledge of gardening is not essential but on the other hand, it is ones passion towards green nature and the satisfaction level. They can achieve from gardening activities (i.e. flowers blooming, beautiful landscape, etc.) This in turns motivate them to indulge onto gardening activities. The findings of this research proposed recommendations that the governments and agricultural extending organization can undertake: 1)Recommendations to the government 1.Encourage citizens to cultivate interest in gardening. From the fast beat city life that are living. Gardening helps to achieve a certain level of mind relaxation. 2.Agriculture department could use their specialized area to promote such activities. 3.Carrying out the concept of healthy gardening and developing the new management mechanism. 2)Recommendations to the agricultural extending organization 1.Developing activities to target different segments/target group. 2.Promote and educate the importance of protecting the environment and ecosystem.


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