  • 學位論文


The Effects of Multimedia Assisted Instruction on Imagery Use, Imagery Ability and Skill Performance in Junior High School Physical Education

指導教授 : 季力康


本研究目的在探討多媒體輔助體育教學對國中學生意象使用、意象能力與動作技能表現之影響。採用準實驗設計法(Quasi-experimental design) 進行體育實驗教學,以臺北縣某國中七年級兩班共67名的學童為研究對象, 隨機分派一班為多媒體輔助體育教學組(實驗組),另一班為傳統體育教學組(控制組)。在實驗教學介入之前進行前測,實驗教學介入六週十二次後,再施以後測。資料處理以混合設計2(前、後測) X 2(實驗組、控制組) 二因子變異數分析,考驗實驗處理的效果,依變項為意象使用、意象能力與動作技能表現。研究結果發現: 一、實驗組與控制組意象使用及意象能力在前測並無差異,經過六週十二次實驗教學後,實驗組在意象使用及意象能力優於控制組。 二、實驗組與控制組意象使用及意象能力在前測並無差異,六週十二次實驗教學後,實驗組與控制組對於籃球非慣用手運球上籃皆具有顯著的學習效果。而實驗組的動作技能表現之後測成績優於控制組。 最後,根據研究發現與結果,對未來後續教學與相關研究提供建議。


The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of multimedia assisted instruction on imagery use, imagery ability and skill learning for junior high school students. A quasi-experimental design was conducted in this study. Two classes of 67 seventh grade students from a junior high school in Taipei County were recruited. Participants were assigned randomly to the multimedia assisted instruction group (the experimental group) and the traditional physical education group (the control group). Imagery use, imagery ability, and basketball lay-up skill performance were measured in prior to the experiment. After twelve times experimental teaching of six weeks, Imagery use, imagery ability, and basketball lay-up skill performance were measured again as the post-test. In terms of the data analysis, a mixed-design 2(experimental group and control group) X 2 (pre-test and post-test) ANOVA was conducted. The dependent variable were imagery use, imagery ability and skill performance . The results of this study indicated that: (1) There were no significant differences between experimental group and control group on pre-test of imagery use and imagery ability. After twelve times experimental teaching of six weeks, the experimental group had greater imagery use and imagery ability than the control group. (2) There was no significant difference between experimental group and control group on pre-test of skill performance. After twelve times experimental teaching of six weeks, both experimental group and control group improved significantly on basketball lay-up skill. However, experimental group performed significantly better than control group. Based on the result of this study, the implications, applications and future directions were discussed.


